Author: Jack

[ad_1] By SSP act dated 11/13/2024, a SASU was establishedName: SUNDAYHead office: 10 rue Personne de Roberval 60200 COMPIEGNECapital: €8,000Corporate purpose: Software publishing, computer data processing,…

[ad_1] EJFORMASAS in liquidationwith share capital of 1,000 EUROSHead office: 2 Route de Paris – 60330 Le Plessis-BellevilleCompiègne RCS: 909 405 888Following the minutes of 09/30/2024,…

[ad_1] RDBSAS with capital of €1000Head office: 27 PLACE BARBIER60210 GRANDVILLIERS890660491 RCS of BEAUVAISBy AGM of 10/31/2024, it was decided the early dissolution of the said…

[ad_1] INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS GROUPSimplified Joint Stock Companywith capital of 8,448,500 euros2 rue Charles Tellier – 60000 BEAUVAIS394 671 820 RCS BeauvaisBy decision of November 6,…