“These projects reflect our collective ambition: to make Verberie a commune that respects its traditions while looking resolutely towards the future.” Officially elected mayor of Verberie the day before, Cécile Davidovics quickly got to the heart of the matter, during the wish ceremonyThursday January 9. During this evening at the Dagobert Hall, his predecessor Michel Arnouldaddressed the population.
On the municipal council for 10 years, first assistant in charge of communications for 4 years, the new mayor introduced herself to the residents. A speech delivered to Philippe Marini, president of the Agglomeration of the Compiègne region, where she has been sitting for four years.
“I am someone who is committed, attentive and convinced that the future of a town is built in collaboration with its residents,” she says. I believe deeply in dialogue and transparency. And I invite you today to come and meet me, to share your ideas, your expectations, and your concerns.”
Setting up the central kitchen for schoolchildren
Cécile Davidovics, who runs guest rooms, looks back on two projects that she helped to set up. First, the municipal children’s council. “This project aims to involve young people in civic life,” she describes. To allow them to take responsibility and contribute to projects that are important to them. Their enthusiasm is a source of inspiration. They will surprise us with their ideas and their energy.”
Then, the school catering center. “In 2024 we decided to take over the management of the school canteen to guarantee quality meals for our children,” she explains. While supporting local agriculture and encouraging the development of organic farming.”
We had to set up a kitchen team, with a chef, a second and a catering agent in order to prepare the 200 daily meals for the students of our nursery and primary schools from September. “The second step, this month, was to transform our school meal center into a central kitchen. Today, in addition to the 200 meals cooked for our young Sautriauts, the central kitchen produces 200 more meals for the schools of Béthisy-Saint-Pierre. We hope in the near future to sign agreements with other municipalities in the metropolitan area.”
2025 projects
The mayor discusses the 2025 projects.
New changing rooms at the football stadium. “In order to offer US Verberie players a suitable and friendly space and to welcome external teams in good conditions. The old locker rooms will be preserved and will serve as storage spaces for the club. Preliminary studies are underway and the project will obviously be studied with the President of the club.
Ecological transition. “We aim to reduce the energy footprint of the municipality and more particularly reduce the work of our green space agents by implementing eco-grazing. Yes, you will come across sheep in Verberie!”
And also: implementation of the youth project with the Maison Pour Tous, modernization of digital tools in schools, strengthening of the municipal police with the arrival of a new public highway surveillance officer (ASVP)…
“We have to know how to withdraw, we are only passing through,” declares former mayor Michel Arnould
“It’s never an easy time to leave when you’ve given a lot and invested so much,” says Michel Arnould, who resigned before Christmas. It is not the loss of power that we leave that is painful. But the tearing away of a part of oneself. However, it must be done when the time is right.”
Michel Arnould thanks his parents, his wife Odile (47 years of marriage), culture and entertainment assistant. His children “for whom I have not always been as available as I should have”. Without forgetting “our four-legged companion who stayed at home this evening”.
“I will not be mayor secretly”
“There was no question for me of serving a third term,” he said. I chose to leave now, because it is in the city’s best interest to have a new mayor in place. With a record that will be his at the time of the 2026 electoral deadline. It is the complete opposite of abandonment. I will also remain on the municipal council until this deadline. It is therefore a question of support but there is no doubt, I will not be mayor secretly. If you hear this rumor circulating, know that it has no basis. The page is turned.”
“During these 10, almost 11 years, I was surrounded by a team of elected officials who were formidable in their commitment to the city. By his frankness, by his loyalty, all in an atmosphere of shared trust. There were no courtiers and there never should be. The cohesion is there. I signal to Francis, Francis Pagnier, who from above remains in the team.
The results obtained are not those of a single man, he continues. “But a collective that will continue its work with another guide at its head. About a fortnight ago, we brought together all the municipal agents. I told them how much I respect each of them and they deserve it. I don’t forget those in the urban area and their availability. They are a valuable help to our communities. I send each of them a friendly greeting.”
It pays tribute to firefighters and police officers. But also to volunteers from associations, the library, municipal events and polling stations. “Just like our traders and businesses, they make an essential contribution to local life.”
“When I was elected in 2014, I was told “you are completely crazy””
He says more about the role of mayor.
“During a first meeting of mayors after the 2014 election, one of them, rather elderly, whom I did not know, came towards me. “Are you the new mayor of Verberie?” Yes. “Ah, have you ever been elected before?” No. He looked me straight in the eye before saying, “You’re completely crazy!” He wasn’t entirely wrong, but the main thing to succeed is to have the desire.”
“It’s quite an adventure to be mayor,” he said without regret. Every day, I stayed as close as possible to the motto of the Joint Military School that I made my own: “Work as law, honor as guide”.”
“Like many of my colleagues, I suffered violence against myself on several occasions,” he recalls. The culmination was the fire set at my home in the middle of the night in 2019. Fortunately, it was able to be brought under control from the start thanks to a fortunate combination of circumstances. It was also Odile who was mistreated in 2020 when the football field was invaded by travelers. These cases are one-off and the work of a tiny minority. They obviously leave traces, the deepest being those etched by violence committed against others, generally the most fragile among us. As a counterpoint, I highlight the behavior of the vast majority who have shown and show a lot of consideration for me.
“Our country is sick”
The most usable one is not there, he says. “The most tiring thing is our country, sick of its complexity, sick of its “over-administration”, sick of its blockages, sick of the ever-increasing constraints, sick of the gas plants put in place.”
“Recently, an establishment manager who had to fill out yet another voluminous administrative file which will not improve the situation, told me with a lot of common sense and pain because she deeply loves her job: “this is mistreatment towards my person.” I regularly had this same feeling, finding myself in the situation of Don Quixote facing the windmills. With a lot of responsibilities and few means to assume them.”
Being mayor is a very beautiful mission with a lot of joy and which I fulfilled with passion, he concludes. I was very proud to be your mayor during these almost two terms. The city has progressed a lot although there is still so much to do. What gave us strength and energy was our attachment to the residents and the city.”