Daniel Draythe mayor of Chapelle-en-Servaltook advantage of the ceremony wisheson Sunday January 12, to deliver the city medal to Guillaume Gast. Professor of history and geography at Servois collegean establishment in Chapelle-en-Serval, Guillaume Gast is now well known in the south of the Oise. It must be said that the man shows great energy.
A graduate of CAPES in 2006, after studying at the University of Arras, Guillaume Gast arrived at La Chapelle-en-Serval in 2008 for family reasons. “It was his first permanent position and he stayed there,” emphasizes Daniel Dray. Little by little, he implemented various projects college which quickly bore fruit. In 2011, he initiated the first Erasmus exchanges from which students were able to benefit. That’s where he went to a German town, Schwarzach am Main, which became our twin town following a nice exchange with the Collège du Servois. He is thus one of the people at the origin of the twinning, in 2015, with Marion Le Maux and the late Julien Desirest.
Thirty trips in fourteen years
At the Servois college, Guillaume Gast has led more than thirty trips for his students in fourteen years to travel across a beautiful part of Europe: Germany, England, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Poland , Lithuania, Greece. “Erasmus means more than 250,000 euros paid to the college to help with the mobility of students, thus relieving families, appreciates the mayor. Free or heavily subsidized trips were thus able to be organized, allowing nearly 400 students to benefit from them over the fourteen years of Erasmus+.”
Guillaume Gast’s projects have been rewarded with the highlight, in 2017, of obtaining the Hippocrene Prize for Education in Europe in the “Public vote” and “College” categories. With ten students, he went to receive this prize at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “More recently, in 2024, its anti-harassment project earned the Servois college a national eTwinning quality label,” adds Daniel Dray. And in this year 2025, two projects will allow students to go to Venice and Prague.”
Guillaume Gast is also the author of two books in 2024 published by Hachette (for college) and Atlande (for university).
Many other responsibilities
But the “new medalist” is also very involved in the local sphere since he is vice-president of Sud Basket Oise, coach of young people in the u12-u13 category and veterans B of AS OCP for football, coach of young people from the new Co-ping table tennis club (which has just brought together its two senior teams for its first year of existence), treasurer of the twinning committee, volunteer for the Orry-la-ville film festival or still attached to mayor in a neighboring town, Ver-sur-Launette. Difficult to do more!
Erasmus + is the discovery of new cultures, linguistic improvement, educational enrichment, collaborative projects and also unforgettable memories and much more. The municipality wanted to thank Guillaume Gast for his commitment. But she also wanted to associate the Servois college which allows all this commitment with the encouragement of its various principals…