It’s a secret for anyone. Nathalie Ravier, current mayor of Méru (Oise)will not be represented in the next Municipal elections in 2026. If one of his assistants will most certainly lead a list, he or she will have to face another candidate, Adrien Madec.
At 32, Adrien Madec is currently (almost) unknown to the Mervians. If he has been campaigning in Méru for a year for the Socialist Party, for which he has been secretary of the local section, he has lived in it since December. Manager of mission within the fiber optic unit of the Fiber Fiber Infrastructures and Territories of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts in Paris from March 2020 to September 2022, Adrien Madec became a parliamentary collaborator of the deputy for the Essonne Jérôme Guedj (PS) in September 2022. Until November 2023 where he was hired as a parliamentary collaborator of the Senator of Oise Alexandre Ouizille (PS). A graduate of Assas, the Catholic Institute of Paris and Sciences Po, he therefore intended to launch his political career in Méru, in the south of the Oise.
Supported by the socialist Hervé de Deroy

A launch that he formalized this Saturday, January 25, on the occasion of wishes to the population organized in the Jean-Gabin room in the town. “”I was surprised when I got here to see that the municipality did not organize wishes, so I wanted to share the cake with you“, He launched in the preamble to Reunion. Offer a galette des Rois to the inhabitants, this is a great introduction. By his side, we find Hervé de Deroyformer head of the Méruvian list of the Union of lefts, socialist activist who sat on the municipal council under several mandates. A kind of return to business with airs of award. “”We want to participate in public debate again during the next municipal electionsHe proclaims to the forty people who came to listen to the pair Madec-de Deroy. “”The two mandates of Nathalie Ravier have not corrected any insufficiency of the Leblanc erahe continues. Méru appears as a dormitory town, not the southwest pole of the Oise as it should be.»»
With its new neo-Mervian eye, Adrien Madec wishes to breathe a breath of freshness, and revitalize a city “that he chose». To launch his approach, he created the Osons Méru collective last December, in which fifteen sympathizers joined him. “”It is a gathering approach to improve the living conditions and the well-being of the Mervianshe announces. In recent months, I have been an opportunity to exchange with a lot of fellow citizens. The observations are shared, but I remember that I am told that Méru has lost its brilliance, that things are not going, that public services close … We see a form of carelessness, a form of letting go on Nathalie Ravier’s second term. “
Three already targeted sites
For the moment, the time is in the collection of complaints, ideas. Within his collective, Adrien Madec wishes to know the needs of the Mervians before launching his first proposals. But he has ores-and-sometimes pointed out three priority sites on which he would like to look: health first (bringing doctors, reviewing the reception of people with disabilities …), the living environment then (Find local shops, have a clean city, accentuate security and offer worthy accommodation), youth, sport and culture finally.
“”The idea will be to unite the Mervians in the construction of a program, bringing them together around these three major siteshe explains after the meeting. The approach is wider than the ideas of the Socialist Party and the left.Next step, the door to door, the towing on the market, and other meetings to come with the Osons Méru collective.