The year 2025 begins on positive notes Hermes with the inauguration within the new premises of the extension of the Edmond Léveillé school group during the mayor’s greetings on Saturday January 18.
A complex deliberately built in the courtyard of the initial school group, close to existing school and extracurricular infrastructures, to “ pool resources and limit return trips to parents ” noted Grégory Palandre, mayor of Hermes.
The extension built in the courtyard of the original school includes 4 new classes luminous in compliance with current standards that respect the environment and the Agora, a gymnasium equipped with sports equipment which can be used by after-school activities on Wednesdays. Enough to accommodate in good conditions the current 280 students spread over 8 classes with an enrollment of 22 to 23 students per class as well as its future users.
This expansion project, planned for 2019, will see the light of day in this year of census which should confirm the important population growth anticipated by elected officials, proof of the attractiveness of the town which continues to welcome new flourishing businesses (florist, a seamstress, a micro-nursery with 17 cradles, etc.).
A class for “dys” children
But this mission will not achieve its goal.that if everyone plays the game to orchestrate their score to perfection” adds Claire Lejeune, deputy mayor in charge of educationin a nod to the services of national educationrefurbished for the occasion in order to accommodate future users of these new premises.
Sensitive to the issue of disability, the project includes a class dedicated to the inclusion ofstudents with disabilities suffering from “dys” disorders explains the mayor. Because “Of the 12 families whose children have severe autistic disorders, barely half of these students have been to school.” says the elected official who elaborates: “This is a reality of the rural world, we do not necessarily benefit from all the means as in the REP Plus zone, in the big cities. We are awaiting a firm response from DASEN (national education service) to be able to welcome children from Hermes but also from surrounding communities. We have beautiful premises, the means, we must be able to put women and men in front of these suffering children who can only work half a day. It is a question of means and will.” he thunders.

As for the 2025 projects, the “caution“will be required with work”necessary” such as the repair of sidewalks and roads, the creation of 20 new parking spaces in the town center. Kayak enthusiasts will benefit from a water trail decorated with new signs and a pontoon that the mayor will be happy to inaugurate.