Health again and again. Since the opening of the Clermontois health center, in Clermont itself, Lionel Ollivier remains inexhaustible. Especially as this service continues to develop. The president of the community of communes thus recalled that annexes will see the light of day soon. This, during the ceremony of wishes of the community of communes, Thursday January 23.
These annexes must open their doors in three municipalities in the territory. Namely in Neuilly-sous-Clermont, in the multidisciplinary health center of Bury, already existing, and also in Erquery. The project thus responds to a request to have offices in more remote municipalities. And thus, providing a service to those who cannot necessarily make the trip to Clermont.
Doctors move in
Because the Clermont health service continues to develop. “In 2024, it will have hosted more than 10,500 consultations,” explains Lionel Ollivier. “Every month, on average, 120 new patients find a referring doctor there.” The team also needs to expand. “This month, a seventh doctor joined the team and an eighth will arrive this summer,” continues the intermunicipal manager.
And that’s without counting the next major project: namely the construction of a larger center in place of the old Gazeau sports hall. An investment of around 3 million euros for the Pays du Clermontois.
Among other projects
Among the other 2025 projects planned within the community of communes, Lionel Ollivier cites renovations of childhood homes in Clermont. More that of Bury. Amount mobilized for these two operations: 120,000 euros.
The mayor of Clermont also mentions the rehabilitation of reservoirs in the hamlet of Auvillers, commune of Neuilly-sous-Clermont, and in Catenoy. Plus a major project: the creation of the Etouy sanitation network for 9 million euros. Without forgetting the renovation of the surroundings of Clermont station into a multimodal hub, with a view to developing public transport, in connection with the creation of the Roissy-Picardie railway bar.