
“It’s becoming widespread. We would like all the towns of Oise to have their red bench“, says Anne Faburel, president of the Information Center on the Rights of Women and Families. At Let’s think park of Compiègnethe red bench symbolizes violence against women. The CIDFF60, the Samu social de l’Oise and the CCAS de Compiègne inaugurated it on Monday November 25 at the Jardin des Senteurs.
It’s like a pretty flower with thorns. It symbolizes the blood shed by the women victims of feminicide or violence in the broad sense. He also reminds us, because he is the only one in this colorful park, that there are many homes where women suffer violence.
“It’s a discreet place to relax, to think, to get information…” lists Anne Faburel. There is in fact a flashcode which allows access, on the internet, to aid and advice organizations.
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