In France, more than two hundred municipalities are approved Small towns of character. So many municipalitieswith remarkable heritage wishing to enhance and preserve it“. In Hauts-de-France, alone Le Quesnoy (North) in Avesnois, was approved. Since December 16, she has been joined by Chaumont-en-Vexin and its 3,500 inhabitants in the southwest of Oise.
Born in the 1970s, this concept aims to promote atypical municipalities. “The Small Cities of Character project is, in these municipalities, to unite the different actors around one objective: the preservation of heritage as a lever for territorial development», It is written on their website. A project designed for a town like Chaumont-en-Vexin, where heritage occupies a very important place.
Several criteria to respect
The idea reached the ears of elected officials two years ago, during a visit to the Old French Houses, of which Marie-José Pellé, Chaumont municipal councilor, is departmental delegate. “The manager advised us to applyremembers Emmanuelle Lamarque, mayor of Chaumont-en-Vexin. We didn’t know it at all, but we quickly adhered to the concept and values.”
To claim this title, the city had to respond positively to several criteria: be subject to protection as historical monuments, have less than 6,000 inhabitants, have sufficiently dense buildings to give it the appearance of a city, hold a quality architectural heritage, having exercised central urban functions, having a multi-year program of restoration and rehabilitation of the built heritage and the enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage, and being part of the tourism development strategy of its territory. Chaumont-en-Vexin responded favorably to all these criteria, so all that was left to do was to launch the procedure.
A project in consultation with the Chaumontois
Last May, an architecture student residence invested the commune. The opportunity to reflect, in consultation with residents, on renovation projects which could be put in place. “In particular, we met a script architect who helps municipalities think about their development so that they are more pleasant to live in.», specifies Emmanuelle Lamarque. Several places were singled out: the old bailiwick, the church descent, the renovation of the old social center and the department house on rue de la République, or the Raymond Pillon museum and its park next to the town hall. “These are the major subjects debated with residents, but we also need to create gentle pathways, connect new housing developments to the city center so as not to exclude them.adds the city councilor. It is a global approach. The goal is to renovate heritage while connecting with residents.»
After the commission’s visit at the end of November, elected officials learned that Small City of Character approval had been obtained on December 16. “It’s a real priderejoices Emmanuelle Lamarque. It allows residents to come together around an element that we built together. Many took part in participatory workshops to discuss the places to be renovated. Moreover, the members of Small cities of character were challenged by the way in which we took the Chaumontois with us on this adventure. They would like to take an example from this.»
Spread this recognition in the region
With this recognition, Chaumont-en-Vexin now has a certain legitimacy, particularly when it comes to seeking funding from right and left to renovate its heritage. A lot of work will have to be done in terms of welcoming tourists. But this could benefit the Vexin-Thelle region as much as the Chaumont town.
The first city of character in the Oise, Chaumont-en-Vexin would like to attract other municipalities in the region to this adventure. And subsequently unite them in a Hauts-de-France committee, which does not yet exist. For the moment, only contact between Emmanuelle Lamarque and her Quesnoy counterpart Marie-Sophie Lesne – both regional advisors – is necessary.