
This Wednesday, November 27, very few (if any) municipal police officers walk the streets of Beauvais (Oise). Of the fifty agents, 94% are on strike since this morning. At issue, a protest about the implementation of a new compensation system for agents, provided for by a decree dating from June 26, 2024. This text allows communities to deliberate on establishing a special function and commitment compensation for the benefit of agents falling within the employment frameworks of directors, department heads and municipal police officers.
Concretely, the agents are demanding an annual bonus of 30% of their salary plus €2,500 for everyone, adding €2,500 for those who work nights and €500 for supervisors. Which replaces the old policy premium of 20% of salary added to other premiums. “These are not extraordinary requests that we are making», whispers an agent.
Waiting for response from the municipality
This Wednesday morning, at 11 a.m., a delegation was received by Mayor Franck Pia, proposal in hand. “He noted that it was a lot for the communityrelates Dominique Lignier-Bessentiel, CGT general secretary of Beauvaisis territorial agents. But it doesn’t concern that many people. There are twelve nighttime officers and four daytime group leaders. The difference between the old and new systems is not that huge.” The day before, in municipal council, Sandra Plomion, deputy mayor for security and prevention, assured that the municipality “does everything to reach an agreement. But we must not forget that we have budgetary constraints“.
While waiting for the response from elected officials, around twenty agents are stationed in front of the town hall of the prefectural cityunder the banner of the CGT. If the situation does not resolve itself during the day, the agents will not return to work this evening. Nor tomorrow. Nor the day after tomorrow. The strike notice being unlimited, the movement could even last next week. But the negotiations continue.
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