THE senator Olivier Paccaud (related to LR) has once again stepped up to the plate Senate to denounce the deletion of 4,000 teaching positions in the budget 2025. Faced with the Minister Delegate in charge of Academic Success and Vocational Education, he did not mince his words.
“3/4 of the closures in schools in our countryside”
“Mr. Minister, do you think that with 4,000 fewer positions our country can meet these challenges… Educational, better supervision to teach better; and above all territorial, because rural areas will be bled with three quarters of the closures which will concern primary schools in our countryside…”
For his part, Minister Alexandre Portier defends himself by insisting on the means implemented for education in the 2025 budget. “Despite that (the difficult budgetary situation), we are presenting to you today the highest budget of all the history of the school, which is still an effort of the entire nation.”
“There is no question of rural schools being eternally sacrificed,” says the minister
From the podium, the minister recalls that the budgetary debate on the resources allocated to Education will take place this Monday, November 30. “Once the means have been defined, it remains to define their correct organization throughout our territory. You know my commitment to rural schools, my struggles, my journey. (…) Today, there is no question that rural schools will be eternally sacrificed.”
After the minister’s intervention, Senator Olivier Paccaud drives home the point to denounce the difference in budgets allocated to rural educational areas compared to those allocated to priority education. He cites the figure of 6 million euros in the 2025 budget for the former compared to 2.4 billion euros for the latter. “There is still a disproportion. Rurality, whether we like it or not, is mistreated.”
Faced with the planned elimination of 4,000 positions, the senator from Oise proposes that these reductions be divided in half, as he had already proposed previously.
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