Simplified Joint Stock Company
With capital of €1000
Head office: 36, Avenue du Maréchal Joffre 60500 Chantilly
RCS Compiègne in the process of registration
At the end of a private deed in CHANTILLY dated October 15, 2024, a company was formed with the following characteristics:
Company name: TM HOLDING
Corporate form: Simplified Joint Stock Company
Head office: 36, Avenue du Maréchal Joffre 60500 CHANTILLY
Corporate purpose:
Taking a stake in catering and hotel companies
The company may resort anywhere to any acts or operations of whatever nature and importance, as long as they can contribute to or facilitate the carrying out of the activities referred to in the preceding paragraphs or that they make it possible to safeguard, directly or indirectly. , the commercial or financial interests of the company or companies with which it has a business relationship.
And generally, all industrial, commercial, financial, civil, movable or real estate operations, which may be directly or indirectly linked to the corporate object or to any similar or related object.
Duration of the company: 99 years from registration in the Trade and Companies Register.
Share capital: 1,000 euros
President: Mr. Thomas MANSEY born on 08/15/1993 in Gouvieux 60270, of French nationality
residing at 63 rue Louis Wallon 60300 Apremont
Registration of the company in the COMPIEGNE Trade and Companies Register.
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