To strenghten THE sanctions for the authors ofattacks on religious buildings and cultural propertyit is the will displayed by the deputy Michel Guiniot (National gathering). The latter filed a bill in this senseNational Assembly.
A maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of 100,000 euros
“This measure aims to increase the sanctions incurred by people who attack religious buildings, as well as sacred furniture, now making it possible to initiate sanctions when damage takes place in buildings, as well as on buildings linked (calvaries, statues, presbyteries, etc.), whether they are classified or not, consecrated or not,” explains the deputy for the 6th district of Oise (Compiègne-Noyon) in a press release sent this Monday, November 18 .
Thus, instead of two years of imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros, the MP’s bill provides for an aggravation regime bringing the maximum penalty to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros.
This bill was signed by 116 deputies “to preserve our heritage, religious beliefs but also the cultural traditions of the French population,” says MP Guiniot in his press release.