Sofia Pace is from Pont-Sainte-Maxence, a town which supported her financially in her preparation. Suffering from multiple sclerosis, this state civil servant with the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Duties is a finalist in the 100 meters and 400 meters at the Paralympic Games. (photo France Paralympic)Elodie Gossuin, queen of lily of the valley 1998, miss France and miss Europe 2011, turned 44 on December 15. She is the prettiest and most modern mother. She publishes on the networks everything a modern mother should do. It’s nice and funny and trying for her. Long live Elodie! (photo: Facebook Elodie Gossuin)Marina Przadka would have deserved to succeed Elodie Gossuin. The 26-year-old from Villers-Saint-Paul finished just outside the Top 5. Photos: DR, TF1, AFP, Facebook MP and Official Contestant’s.At 88 years old, Yves Bienaimer, founder of the Living Horse Museum and former eventing rider, was, on Thursday July 18, 2024, the first torchbearer of the Olympic flame in Chantilly. The whole of Oise flocked to see the flame pass throughout its journey in the department. (photo: Paris 2024 – Maxime Le Pihif Sipa Press)Preparatory work for the digging of the Seine-Nord Europe Canal continued in 2024 in the Oise between Compiègne and Noyon (sector 1). Here the construction of two bridges over the Oise and the Oise lateral canal and above the future Seine-Nord Europe canal, between Montmacq and Cambronne-lès-Ribécourt. In 2025 work begins in the Noyonnais sector, sector 2 Credit: Société du Canal Seine-Nord Europe / Jean-Christophe Hecquet
The article These five photos which marked the year 2024 appeared first on Oise Hebdo.