
“A common sense decision” for the mayor. On January 24, the Council of State rendered a decision favorable to the commune of Compiègne. The 1st chamber (litigation section) annulled the judgment of the administrative court authorizing Christian Maury to replace the mayor, with the aim of investigating the management of the local public company the Pôle equestre du Compiégnois.
This is called an application for leave to plead. Christian Mauryresident and “taxpayer” of Compiègne, had transmitted to the mayor of Compiègne these questions concerning the management of the accounts of the SPL Compiégnois Equestrian Centerof which the city of Compiègne is a 75% shareholder.
Christian Maury indicates having, for the 2021-22 financial year, “detected serious and consistent indications of the commission of criminal offenses and mismanagement”. In this case, comments the mayor, “the services carried out on behalf of the company by Mrs. Florentine Devulder, daughter of the general director of the Company, Mr. François Devulder.”
Tuesday June 18, the mayor presented his observations to the municipal council concerning this matter. He reminds that it is up to the general director of Pôle equestre du Compiégnois to answer questions concerning the recruitment of his daughter by the SPL. “Which has been done,” he said. And perfectly justified, in this case, in his eyes.
“A common sense decision” for the mayor
“Madame Devulder is only one of the 16 people recruited as a service provider for the SPL’s competition activities,” put the mayor of Compiègne into perspective. The Compiégnois Equestrian Center manages the King’s Great Stables (pony club, educational farm), the Horse Riding Club (riding school, Henson horse riding) and the Grand Parc grounds (competitions and events).
It is on the substance and form that the Council of State bases its decision. The body noted that Christian Maury “did not meet at least one of the conditions to which authorization to take legal action in place of the municipality is subject.” Christian Maury’s assertions on the management of the equestrian center “do not seem very serious to him”, notes the mayor.
The mayor is delighted with this “common sense” decision that the administrative court ruled in favor of Christian Maury, “without even giving the municipality time to defend itself”.
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