Daniel Leca, elected opposition to the town hall of Compiègne, is vice-president of the Hauts-de-France region.
“If I had wanted a jump seat, I would have gotten it a long time ago. But that’s not my ambition.” The opposition elected official Daniel Leca (UDI), during its wishes to the CompiégnoisSaturday January 25 at the Maison de l’Europe, repeated his ambition to become mayor. Once considered, the option of allying with outgoing mayor Philippe Marini (LR) is no longer relevant.
“I wanted, through these wishes, to share with the Compiégnois my commitments for this city, for our territory, for our constituency too,” indicates the current vice-president of Hauts-de-France. And remind them of the reasons for my commitment and my ambitions to become the mayor of Compiègne, obviously…”
Will the sooner the better? “My priority is transparency towards the people of Compiégnois. They need to know what issues I want to fight and engage on. And also who I want to do it with (the members of my team).”

“My determination to be candidate and mayor is clear”
Two weeks ago, Philippe Marini, mayor since 1987, declared that he was running for a full term. And that he would not hand over the baton during his mandate. As his predecessor Jean Legendre did for his benefit in his time.
Is an agreement with Philippe Marini still possible? Daniel Leca procrastinates: “First, you need a project, then, a team, and after that, an application. I am clearly in the logic of being a candidate. Since the remarks made by Philippe Marini for the moment leave no ambiguity about his determination to be mayor until the end. Well, my determination to be a candidate and mayor, as soon as possible, is also completely clear.”
During Philippe Marini’s wishes, which Daniel Leca did not attend, the candidate mayor said that he would engage with “all those who share my approach and my values, for example in voting on the budgets of the city and the agglomeration This year”. If Daniel Leca, last year, abstained on the budget, instead of voting against, he does not know what his position will be in April. “I still need to know this budget in detail,” he comments. This is not the case at the moment.”
“Philippe Marini until 2032, it’s unreasonable”
Last year, Philippe Marini responded favorably to the invitation to Daniel Leca’s greeting ceremony. But not this year. And for good reason, Daniel Leca did not invite him. A logical position, according to Daniel Leca, who believes that if he had invited the mayor, it would have meant that he was giving his blessing to go all the way, in the event of victory. “2032, at more than 80 years old, is unreasonable… even if I don’t doubt his will,” comments Daniel Leca.
“Many want me to make an alliance with Philippe Marini,” continues Daniel Leca. We had substantive discussions. He gave me poles, It would have been irresponsible not to listen to him… But what Philippe Marini says is not compatible for an alliance with me.” A situation that regrets Eric de Valroger, security assistant to Philippe Marini, who recently moved to the UDI, who considers this alliance necessary for the future. It was at the wishes of Daniel Leca.
Just like other elected officials from the majority, like Françoise Trousselle, Alou Bagayoko, Miloud Zouaoui or Christian Tellier, sports assistant. It is a courtesy visit to the opposition and to the vice-president of Hauts-de-France, according to the latter. “I don’t know if they are there as representatives of the majority or as supporters, but some helped me during the legislative campaign,” he thanks them. Mayor Philippe Marini also supported his opponent Daniel Leca in June.
The socialist Claire Reboisson was present
On the left side, there is the socialist Solange Dumay, elected on the Leca list in 2020. She believes that the left will not be able to lead a list. Not far away, there is Claire Reboisson, secretary of the PS section of Compiègne, once considered to lead a left-wing list. The socialist Bertrand Brassens, who does not wish to lead the left-wing list, will perhaps have to put the heating blues back on.
“We need a part of continuity and a part of change,” continues candidate Leca. There are things that are going very well in Compiègne and that we must continue. Decisions with which I was not aligned at the start of my mandate must continue, from the moment they have benefited from investments. This is the case for everything that relates to “horse” politics. Considerable sums have been committed. I will continue these investments to attract the maximum benefits for our city, direct and indirect.”
Beyond the substance, the centrist opponent considers the necessary change concerning the method in place. “Particularly in the way of approaching certain subjects,” he explains. Democratic debate requires more transparency. We need more participation, more ecology, more security…. Subjects on which I will have the opportunity to develop a political project, which I will present to the Compiégnois. We are working on it. I appeal to all those who want to participate in building the Compiègne of tomorrow, to do so alongside me to prepare for the future.