It’s a five-page document that has just arrived: the secret plan to sink Oise Hebdo. Or, to use the words of the black cabinet of the departmental council, to put the newspaper “in immense difficulty”. Or better: “to blow it up now”.
The “nickel-plated feet” at the base of this Machiavellian plan seem to be Clément Aouizerate, chief of staff of the president of the departmental council Nadège Lefebvre, and Jérôme Masson, an obscure advisor to the president’s office.
On the first page of the report appears the words “CONFIDENTIAL NOTE”, and, in the same handwriting, the names of Aouizerate and Masson. Plus another red “CONFIDENTIAL” banner, as if the document should not leave the offices of the departmental palace.

On page 2 of the document, there is a reproduction of the “bear” of the newspaper, that is to say the insert located on page 2 of the paper newspaper and which reproduces the name and address of the newspaper, its shareholders , the names of employees, the name of the publication director, Vincent Gérard.
Nothing very original, including a not very researched remark on the “provocative articles and front pages” of the newspaper.
Page 3 is more unexpected.
Sauté Oise Hebdo !

This page allows you to date the document. The mention at the bottom of the page gives the company’s 2023 results and we can read at the very bottom that the source is the minutes of the ordinary general meeting. However, the 2023 accounts were filed on November 4, 2024 and were published by the registry of the Compiègne commercial court, at least one week later. So around November 11, 2024. Consequently, the confidential document from the departmental council is very recent. It’s two months old at most.
The first idea of our Ribouldingue, Filochard and Croquignol, the three nickel-plated feet of the departmental council, is to steal the title Oise Hebdo. They noticed, which is correct, that the title deposited with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) had not been renewed. Theoretically, titles must be renewed every ten years.
“Oise Hebdo is registered with the INPI,” they write, “but its expiry date has passed. Vincent Gérard has undoubtedly forgotten. By buying it back, or redepositing it, they would no longer have the right to use the name, either for print or for the web, which would undoubtedly put them in immense difficulty.”
They also have the idea of “buying back the domain name before they renew it to prevent them from publishing online”. They think it would be “fun.” But they have even better: “Unless someone knows a hacker (who) could take care of blowing it up right now.”
Attack the website
After noting that the Oise Hebdo website is the second in the regional weekly press according to the ACPM’s monthly open access ranking (in fact, in December 2024, we are only third), they add : “Their website is much more effective and important than their paper edition. This is the most valuable thing they have in terms of visibility. Therefore, tackling it in one way or another would embarrass them terribly.”
For information, I was made aware of the history of the INPI title, Tuesday January 14, 2025, in the evening, and at 1:05 a.m., Wednesday January 15, I had again registered the title with the INPI . Something I hadn’t done since 1995.
Page 4 of the confidential report recalls that Vincent Gérard had launched a weekly regional press title in Aisne in 2014, which was called L’Axonais, and which was placed in liquidation in March 2022.
Page 5 of the report is devoted to The Voice of the North with also top secret information that cannot be reproduced here. The authors of the report indicate, by hand: “Want to buy Oise Hebdo”.
What remains to be demonstrated.
Waiting for reaction
The document shown above looks authentic. Generally well-informed people close to the departmental council assured that it was “without a doubt” a real working document. Our interlocutors do not seem surprised by its content and describe a deleterious atmosphere around the president, largely her fault.
A series of recent departures from the documentation department of the departmental council may also explain this renewed excitement.
We are awaiting the formal and official denial of everything provided for in the document.
As for Oise Hebdohe is fine thank you and he is not afraid of the smoky suits of the nickel-plated feet of the Oise departmental council.