Barely settled into her new role in Isère, the former prefect of theOise Catherine Séguin is pinned by the site Médiapart. According to the digital news daily, she would have obtained a privilege to send his son to an elitist college Grenoble.
The Europole International School Campus is one of the most elite establishments in Grenoble. The establishment welcomes students from rather advantaged backgrounds. They enter by competitive examination. The latter consists of an examination of the candidates’ files before oral and written tests organized by the establishment. But these tests, Catherine Séguin’s son would not have been subjected to them according to this article from Médiapart signed by Erwin Canard (beautiful aptonym).
His son integrated into third grade
The latter has just been admitted to third grade, without having passed any test. This is confirmed by the rectorate on the information site. Catherine Séguin’s son was thus received by the head of the establishment for an interview. “This request was able to be studied following the release of a place in this establishment and after analysis by the head of the establishment of the school file of the student. As is customary in such circumstances, in order to ensure educational continuity, it was agreed that he immediately enter this third year class to complete his college course.
Catherine Séguin assures that she did not benefit from “any special treatment”
Médiapart reports, however, having consulted the establishment’s website to check the eligibility of an application like this. “When the Internet user indicates, at the beginning of December, that he wishes to join the establishment “this year” and that the student comes from “another establishment in France”, a message immediately appears: “Sorry, but he is impossible to join the CSI in this case.”»
Asked by Médiapartthe former prefect of Oise assures that she did not benefit from “any special treatment” for her son. “Admission was made under normal conditions regarding arrival during the school year.”
The only middle school student to take the DNB without the international option
The information site goes further, citing the (anonymous) testimonies of teachers or even a former principal of the establishment, reporting that the only students admitted during the year were already in an international section before arrive at the Europole international school campus, which is not the case for Catherine Séguin’s son. He will therefore not be able to take the national diploma of the patent (DNB) international option, like all the other students of the establishment, but only the classic DNB.
This privilege particularly challenged the unions, like the FSU Isère. David Sujobert, departmental co-secretary of FSU Isère, describes the situation as “shocking” in the columns of Médiapart. “It’s surprising that there is a free pass or at least one case which deviates from the rule, especially for the highest representative of the State.(…) On reproduces in the public sector what the private sector does on a large scale by sorting its students and participating in school segregation.protests David Sujobert on the information site.