
THE torrential rain of Thursday January 8 combined with the latest snowfall in the west of the department caused significant damage. In the north-west of the Oise, first of all, where several municipalities have suffered major floodsas in Grandvilliers.
Further south, it is Epte who got out of bed. The river, which almost demarcates the border between the Oise and the Eure, has reached a record level in recent days. According to vigicrues, the government information service on the risk of flooding of the main rivers in France, the raw of Epte would be higher than that of 2018.
The recycling center closed this Friday January 10
HAS Gisors (Eure) and to Gournay-en-Bray (Seine-Maritime)several streets are under water and some residents had to be evacuated. In between, some municipalities in the Oise are also affected by this historic flood, as in Serifontaine. At the bottom of the town, closer to the Epte, some gardens are waterlogged. Just like the Tréfimétaux area.
The Mixed Union of the Oise department also informs that the recycling center is closed this Friday, January 10, the access road being closed due to flooding. The SMDO advises users to go to other sites, in Lachapelle-aux-Pots, Saint-Germer-de-Fly or Porcheux.
The decline of the Epte should begin during the day, if the forecasts do not change.
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