While the confectioners’ truce is fast approaching, between Sawsen Clément-Jebbari, the president of Renaissance Aisne, and the RN deputy for Soissons José Beaurain, it is rather the one who will lead the last charge of the not light brigade, a a bit like the Chemin des Dames in 1917. And all attempts are allowed in a tense national context while the party of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella was excluded from discussions to form the new government at the France.
After having treated in an almost disdainful manner the last outburst of the RN deputy José Beaurain, Sawsen Clément-Jebbari also responds to him with an open letter, and she does not go there with the back of the spoon.
The RN, useful idiots of Mélenchon?
She writes in part: “Let me vigorously challenge your argument because it is both misplaced and erroneous. Misplaced, because you fail to say that to bring down this government, the National Rally allied itself with the deputies of the New Popular Front. Alone, you would not have had the required majority and the motion of censure that you tabled on your side could not have been adopted. So, you rallied behind the very people who, in their text of censorship, denounced the “vilest obsessions of the extreme right” on immigration and state medical aid. In other words, you have lowered yourself to join those who despise you and never stop criticizing you. You were therefore the puppets of Mr. Mélenchon and played the role of utility in the service of the extreme left. Your voters will no doubt appreciate your slavish belittling. »
The president of Renaissance Aisne then hits where it hurts: “Your argument is also wrong. You mention the deterioration of public finances, but you forget to say that you did not put forward any saving measures during the budgetary debates. Unlike the government of Michel Barnier who proposed a fair distribution of the efforts to be made. You know well that the current financial situation is not sustainable. Constantly demanding additional spending without offering savings or revenue, you have blackmailed the government and preferred the worst policy without showing any sense of responsibility. »
Double-bullet moral lesson?
In the second part of his open letter, Sawsen Clément-Jébbari gives a long moral lesson to the RN deputy for Soissons: “If it existed among you, this spirit of responsibility should lead you to assume the consequences of the censorship that you have voted, namely:
– Tax increases of 4 billion euros for 18 million French households due to the non-indexation of the income tax scale to inflation. These increases represent new taxes for those who did not pay them and a considerable loss of purchasing power for other households in our territory, starting with the middle classes.
– Exemption for CAC 40 companies from 4 billion euros in additional taxes.
– The suspension of emergency aid of 400 million euros for our farmers.
– The impossibility of using restaurant vouchers for food shopping.
– The suspension of the allocation of equipment to rural areas (Detr) and the Green Fund which makes it possible to finance equipment in our small rural communities.
– The impossibility for employers to cover up to 75% (and not 50%) of transport costs: this is yet another loss of purchasing power for our fellow citizens.
These extra taxes or less aid for Aisne, you must assume them. It’s too easy to play censorship without taking responsibility for the consequences of your actions. »
And the farmers?
José Beaurain had insisted on the RN’s policy in favor of farmers. Sawsen Clément-Jebbari returns the compliment by explaining what the Macron governments did and detailing what censorship would have as consequences for them: “On agriculture, your so-called support for farmers fools no one, start with the farmers themselves. We did not wait for Mercosur to help them:
– We have always responded during geopolitical, health or climate crises: freeze plan in 2022, animal feed aid, organic crisis aid, aid for the wine industry, compensation for beet producers following the crisis of jaundice, …
– 8.1 billion in CAP aid for the 2023 campaign has been paid.
– We passed EGALIM laws to make agricultural raw materials non-negotiable within the framework of contracts and commercial negotiations.
As for Mercosur, you pretend to ignore our resolute opposition to this agreement. The motion of censure that you voted for has also weakened France at a fateful moment! »
Be accountable
The president of Renaissance Aisne suggests to the RN deputy to be accountable to the inhabitants of Aisne on what they will benefit from having elected him to the Palais Bourbon: “So yes, you will have to be accountable to the voters and to the all the inhabitants of your constituency! On this censorship and more broadly on your (in-)action on our territory”, as was recently denounced. Then she starts again: “You write that you never shirk: that’s really what we’re talking about. You will have to explain what you have not done for the territory and its inhabitants. While, for our part, we have continued to act for Aisne and record positive results: reduction in unemployment, launch of the experiment on reinforced support for RSA beneficiaries, elimination of the tax housing, financing of work on the development of the RN2 and the renovation of our town centers, financing of renovation work on the Soissons station, investment in the Tergnier technicentre, assistance with the widespread installation of the fiber, renovation of the castle Villers-Cotterêts,… to name only the main projects that we have carried out or supported. That, yes, Mr. Deputy, is concrete and it helps to improve the lives of our fellow citizens of Aisne. »
Sawsen Clément-Jebbari concludes with a polite expression which smacks of mockery aimed at José Beaurain: “Please believe, Mr. Deputy Beaurain, in the expression of my respectful feeling. » Well let’s see, it’s still hard to believe in such deference…