
From 8:40 a.m., this Tuesday, November 26, 25 students from the director’s CM1-CM2 class Catherine Dechamps-Berger planted 50 trees. The 24 CE1-CE2 students followed suit in the afternoon to plant 50 other trees, making 100 trees in all. 10 different species all of local origin.
An operation carried out every year for 4 years along municipal roads in collaboration with the town hall, the school and the local association for the preservation ofenvironment Rapunzel chaired for two years by Sophie Petit which succeeds Gerard Vieubledformer founding president still active within the association which has around thirty members.

The multiple interests
This year, it’s the path at the end of theChaumont impasse who benefited from this hedge rehabilitation with multiple virtues.
Every year since 2020, the Rapunzel association has won a competition which consists of answering a three-part questionnaire, with the involvement of the school’s students for educational purposes.
These sections relate to theenvironmental interest of these plantations, theeconomic interest : what we can do with it later like BRF (Fragmented Raméal Wood) which is all the rage in organic gardens and in permaculture to serve as mulching made from branches of trees or shrubs, and the shutter social Or land art.
This competition allows you to win these trees provided by Teragir.
A sustainable educational project
An action that is part of school project which contains a pane sustainable development and a shutter citizenship in connection with the work carried out with local associations. In class, students deepen their knowledge by working on trees, forest…
So that the children can follow the progress of their planted tree, volunteers from the Rapunzel association made them plaques with their names engraved.
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