
They are young, living in Pont-Sainte-Maxence and are motivated by the life of their city. They come from the four corners of the city and want to bring to life the issues they are behind. They… They are the young people of the Pont-Sainte-Maxence municipal council. They started as teenagers and have now become adults, but the fact remains that they are deeply involved in the life of their community. There is no shortage of projects and as Christmas is fast approaching, it seemed logical to carry out an action in this direction: the collection of Christmas parcels: solidarity parcels. For the second year, the young advisors are encouraging Maxipontains to bring a nice Christmas gift to those who are more deprived or for hospitalized children.
350 packages in 2023, at least as many in 2024
“Last year, it worked very well with nearly 350 packages,” confides Léo, who has just reached the age of majority. The packages were distributed with the CCAS during a reception in the auditorium at the Queen Philibert Library in December. “It’s above all the pleasure of pleasing,” comment the young advisors with conviction. Given the success, the operation is therefore renewed this year. The launch of the operation? It’s now until mid-December. “Our goal is to raise awareness of the operation. It pleases and the residents know that they are making people in need happy. This is why we prefer the principle of the solidarity package or, a toy is added, a beauty product, a little note, gloves, a scarf or a hat and… a treat,” assure the members of the CMJ, aged 15 to 25. On the package, simply specify whether it is intended for a boy, a girl or mixed. Avoid stuffed toys and clothing other than those mentioned above.
Music Festival, Christmas and Pink October
“There is a significant turnover. This is why we wanted not to stop at a mandate of a fixed duration. Some no longer have the time, taken up by their studies, others come up with new ideas. It’s good and interesting to work with young people. For example, we did not want to limit things by imposing a six-year term like that of municipal elected officials. Here, it works more through co-optation, through volunteering, in short the desire to get involved. “Word of mouth works very well,” explains Caroline Barrucand, their municipal representative and elected youth delegate. “They work in complete autonomy and sometimes ask us for advice, but we do not want to interfere in their actions,” specifies the municipal representative.
Completely autonomous operation
Of course, the young people of the CMJ are working on several operations for 2025. Already very motivated for the follow-up of the music festival which marks its big return to Pont since this year, the young Maxipontains express a desire to work with the whole of the territory. Their next operation? Pink October of 2025. The idea is to create events, meetings, debates, sporting events of course, which will aim to make an impression. “I am very proud of them. Some I had in college. It’s important to see how much they want to invest in their city, their territory itself,” notes Caroline Barrucand. So over time, a sort of brotherhood was created. Emma, Zaineb, Léo, Maely, Clément, are part of the loyal core of the fifteen members of the CMJ, the youth municipal council of Pont-Sainte-Maxence. They are keen to work on very specific files, in total autonomy. Of course, projects must be budgeted and discussed with elected officials during two plenary sessions during the year. But once their file reaches this level, it is already perfectly well put together, therefore… feasible and almost operational. Here is a concrete example of young people getting involved in the life of the city, in the noble sense of the term.
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