Elected mayor since 2008, Olivier Puniper will be represented in 2026. The mayor of Passel announced it during its wishes to the population at the end of December.
The former vice-president of the Noyonnais country from 2014 to 2020 enlightened his decision to his citizens, evoking a mandate which “takes a long time”, but “is exciting”. Stressing his personal situation too, namely “having been able to benefit for a year from a professional activity judgment following an asbestos plan”. And despite “a mandate as mayor put to the test”, with “many colleagues who stop because they have received threats or are strongly abused”, passion prevailed: “because I like to be at the service CLUTS, having exchanges with you, finding solutions to your problems “, and even” being disturbed by time because you need something “, had fun Olivier Récioche.
An election for which only the outgoing mayor has declared himself for the time being, in this commune of modest size, 271 inhabitants, but with real local issues with his Noyon-Passel activity park. During the last ballot, Olivier Rony’s list was the only one to apply.
2024 signed the end of the work of Place des Tilleuls
To ask for the confidence of its inhabitants again, the outgoing mayor can assert his balance sheet. In this year 2024, as he reminded its inhabitants, he can claim with his municipal council the finalization of the work of the beautiful Place des Tilleuls, in the heart of the village. The bus shelter was notably secure, at the same time as the rainwater recovery work was carried out. Also security on rue de la Croix de Paul, with developments in terms of visibility.
On the work side always, the city has carried out landfill rue Saint-Georges in order to be able to engage on the creation of sidewalks at the names PMR, people with reduced mobility. However, this second phase will have to wait due to technical questions.
Road security, cemetery: decisions to be made in 2025
For 2025, the city which in 2024 filed subsidies for the creation of a parking lot up to the cemetery of rue des Fillins, will be able to continue to advance on this file and decide if it will be placed right next door or opposite. The city should also receive the result of a road safety study very soon. The project will then be imagined with regard to proposals.
The big piece: non -collectf sanitation
“But the most important and costly file of this mandate will be to carry out two non -collective sanitation areas to plug into the existing network,” recalled the first magistrate in the town. A study that will start in the coming weeks, for a realization of the hoped for 2026, the year of elections.
Finally, on the school side, the mayor announces that within the Ville-Suzoy-Passel grouping (128 children including 20 in Passel), a reflection is underway to “find the best solution so that (the) children can be transported to the canteen, but also brought back to schools ”.
Budgetary tensions, but desire to invest
In his speech, the mayor did not hide the “real budgetary tensions”. “However, in Passel, we want to continue to make investments while maintaining an operating budget allowing us to keep the moments of conviviality such as wishes, the meal of the old ones, the municipal consultation essential to the life of the town. And continue to support associations. “It seems essential to me to bring entertainment in our village,” said the mayor while thanking “all volunteers for bringing associations to life”.
“Six years lost for intercommunality”
A slightly more optimistic situation than in the big neighbor Noyon in full turpitudes or its community of communes. To which the mayor has referred, the subject being on everyone’s lips: “You were able to follow in the press and on social networks the different ubiquitous situations that we have experienced with this character,” started Olivier Ronioche, without quoting the Name of President-Mayor LR Sandrine Dauchelle. “We have lost six years of projects for our intercommunality, there will remain a data center brought by the director of economic development which has been thanked since,” he concluded on this subject.