A few days ago, the existence of a “black cabinet” within the department was brought to light.
Besides the fact that this method has more appeal to that of the last century and which seems surprising for a department open to the future, it seems important to me to send you my feeling as a representative of the staff of our company, a focused journal mainly on news from the Oise department.
Like many, I discovered the existence of a “black cabinet” within the department whose main objective, and let’s even say essential, would be to “sink Oise Hebdo”.
If initially, it was not up to me to react excessively to a personal, political (or departmental) desire to destroy a press organ, I would nevertheless like to bring a few elements to your attention.
Elected CSE, it comes naturally to me to defend the interests of employees, journalists and press employees, executives, non-executives, manufacturing employees, drivers involved in the Oise Hebdo title.
How can we not react after this announcement of the discovery of a system which would be intended to harm our press organ, certainly not necessarily perfect, certainly irreverent, certainly politically incorrect, but… So free.
And yes, a rare occurrence in this year 2025, the body is completely free and unattached to any financial group. This desire for independence has a price (financial) but has no price (moral). The department should be pleased to have such a title on its land.
This initiative from a shady office, whether or not it is at your request, ultimately matters very little. It exists and was initiated within your mandate. Whether you are at the origin or not, you are responsible for it, since naturally at the top of the departmental pyramid.
I can only remind you that “sinking a newspaper” is not just silencing a press organ. This would also result in putting journalists out of work, a profession already hard hit by the crisis, a sales department that is working hard to ensure that advertising lives within our title. They are also graphic designers who take advantage of treasures of ingenuity to make reading, layout, and fluidity of editing attractive, but they are also transporters, drivers, delivery men who work hours or shifts. the vast majority of the general public is in the arms of Morpheus? Let us not forget, of course, the booksellers who do not count their hours to put the fruit of a team’s work on newsstands.
So, when each of them discovers the existence of a plan worthy of “barbouze” to take over one of the titles of our edition, it is all those who work for the title of whom I think.
Planting a press organization can be a great satisfaction for those who dream of it. This is understandable, but never forget that behind this press organ, which benefits from no specific aid, or almost no subsidy, or almost no subsidy and, moreover, less and less advertising (whether cities or the department and even fewer legal announcements, jobs exist and are maintained, while fighting every week.
I hope, in your return, a strong message. I urge you to do this for employees who believe in a free press. It seems that this is the guarantee of a true democracy… A free press.
Being certain that these few lines have caught your attention, please accept, Madam President, the expression of my distinguished greetings.
Otto Beaumont-Senn, elected CSE/Oise Hebdo