
What is still happening in Noyon around the mayor LR Sandrine Dauchelle and its now famous general director of services Chokri Mastouri ? “I think it’s revenge,” says Caroline Chaouch, a shopkeeper in Noyon. “It’s becoming a habit,” laments opposition councilor Ouicem Gadacha.
But what are we talking about? “From a businesswoman who wants to organize a Christmas marketwho advertised it, for which around thirty craftsmen reserved their weekend, and all that, perhaps for nothing,” gets annoyed. Ouicem Gadacha. The shopkeeper, Caroline Chaouchis store manager Bubble Crocklocated at the edge of the roundabout at the entrance to rue de Paris. “To get things going, I decided to organize a Christmas market with traders and artisans from Noyon and the surrounding area,” she says. While she has been working on her project “for two months”, she has ensured the participation of 28 professionals for the next weekend of November 30 and December 1.
When the reserved room passes under his nose for the benefit of “an elected official”
Advertising done extensively on social networks, booked traders, a reserved room… Everything is going well at first. “Except that the town of Noyon started having problems reserving the room,” reports Caroline. And this is where the new general director of services, the ever more maligned Chokri Mastouri, comes in. “At the beginning of October, I reserve the large room of the Saint-Siméon neighborhood center at the ZUP,” continues Caroline Chaouch, “I am told that no one else is planned, so I start advertising on social networks because that we obviously have to do it in advance.” The plan is in motion. But in mid-October, “Mr. Mastouri contacted me: he told me that the room was no longer for me.” Big hiccup. The shopkeeper is surprised at the reasons given: “He tells me that he has orders not to rent it to me.” “As ordered,” she repeats, stunned. She wants to know more. “I ask him if it’s because I had problems with Madame Dauchelle? He tells me that problem or not is none of his business, that the room is already rented, by an elected official, and that elected officials have priority.” “We think we’re dreaming,” comments Ouicem Gadacha.
A precedent: the move of his Bubble Crock store

The problem to which the merchant refers dates back to a year ago, in November 2023. “I was renting municipal premises on rue Saint-Éloi, when, while my lease was still valid, the city kicked me out for install a dental office instead. Since then, the trader has rented “a premises at the bottom of rue de Paris, smaller, more expensive, but also better located”, she summarizes.
For the record, the dentist in question, brother of a deputy of the mayor of Noyon, did not ultimately set up his office on rue Saint-Éloi, the premises of which are still… empty today. He then wanted to acquire another property belonging to the Pays Noyonnais, but after a new controversy, he would have, according to our information, abandoned any plan to set up a new office in Noyon. All that for that…
The room ultimately allocated to the shopkeeper, but…
Let’s get back to the Christmas market room rental. “After this response, I started to shake up the services a little,” Caroline continues. And I was assured that no elected official had reserved the room. The agents I spoke to didn’t understand. What’s next? “Probably because I made a bit of a commotion, the DGS called me back to tell me that there was no need to worry, that the room was for me, that the elected official who had so- saying reserved left it to me. End of the controversy? No way.
“The problem today is that, despite signing a rental contract, the city does not seem to want to respect its commitments,” explains Ouicem Gadacha. Caroline Caouch details: “When I spoke to Mr. Mastouri on the phone, he told me: “I will come and give you the key and take stock of the premises on Saturday morning, but don’t make me come at seven in the morning : I don’t live in Noyon. Problem: “The room is rented from Friday evening: I need to install, decorate, in short, it’s impossible to do all that on Saturday morning when the craftsmen arrive and already want to set up”, s she worries. With no news from the DGS since, the trader wrote to him this Friday, November 22.
“Sandrine Dauchelle hides behind her DGS to take revenge”

For Caroline Chaouch, nothing makes sense in this story: “Why is it the DGS himself who wants to hand over the keys and take stock of the situation? Why wouldn’t it be an agent or someone from the neighborhood center who already knows the room, who is on site?” Does the DGS of a town in dire straits like Noyon have nothing better to do than take care of reservations and count the holes in the walls of the community rooms each time they are rented? ?
Municipal councilor Ouicem Gadacha, formerly of the Dauchelle team before he slammed the door with a bang, has an explanation: “I think that today Sandrine Dauchelle is hiding behind her general director of services to take revenge like her is used to doing it with those who are not docile,” he says. The advisor can no longer stand these methods: “Here, we have a merchant who manages to keep the town alive, organize a market, who does everything herself and the town threatens to derail everything by throwing sticks at her. in the wheels instead of helping him, the world is turned upside down.”
Visit to the gendarmerie and possible legal consequences
The hard-headed shopkeeper is not fooled: “I went to the police to file a complaint. They told me that until the city broke its end of the contract, I could only file a handrail, which I did. But if on Friday, when the rental contract begins, I don’t have the key, they advise me to file a complaint with the commercial court since I am a businesswoman. And that’s exactly what she plans to do: “Friday, I will be in front of the room. If nothing happens, I will file a complaint and then if I never have the key, I will consider perhaps setting up my market in front of the town hall.”
In Noyon, we don’t joke with the Christmas spirit.
We were unable to contact Chokri Mastouri this Saturday.
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