
It’s not Zola’s “J’accuse”, but the ingredients are there for the mayor of Nogent’s speech to be widely commented on in the days to come.
At the heart of a scathing response, Jean-François Dardenne, mayor of Nogent-sur-Oise, who is rather upset by his 42 hours spent in police custody following the development of the high plateau and its building waste landfill site, a case which made headlines at the national level and whose company Build Consulting is the subject of careful examination by the courts.
However, the chief magistrate also carried out his own investigation. And oh surprise, he realizes that the beginnings of the investigation targeting the company Build Consulting, comes from Meaux and would be carried out by the prosecutor of Seine-et-Marne. : a certain Jean-Baptiste Bladier. An investigation which was subsequently entrusted to the regional environmental center of Paris.
“I remind you that this same prosecutor was previously at the Senlis public prosecutor’s office and even before that at the Soissons public prosecutor’s office,” notes the first magistrate.
A reminder of current affairs
Jean-François Dardenne does not hesitate to cite two cases, one of which also hit the headlines at the national level, the Bénédicte Belair affair where the prosecution led at that time by Jean-Baptiste Bladier was condemned for destruction of seals . At the same time, the mayor of Nogent-sur-Oise recalls that a file seems surprising to say the least. This is a case which concerns municipal councilor Mokhtar Allouache, attacked with a knife in 2019. For the mayor, this represents in his eyes “a real assassination attempt. Facts that he tirelessly denounced and which ended on paper in an “unarmed and unarmed attack” and this despite “a radiological finding or even doctors’ testimonies”. And the mayor added: “This is why, at the time, we voted for legal aid for our municipal councilor.”
Would the prosecutor Jean-Baptiste Bladier have taken umbrage at this support, especially since the town of Nogent-sur-Oise was also at the heart of an investigation carried out by the same prosecutor. An investigation which was unsuccessful. So I ask the question, wouldn’t Jean-Baptiste Bladier want to be an elected official?”
“A personal vendetta?”
And to drive the point home, “wouldn’t the Built Consulting Btp case be an opportunity to initiate a very personal vendetta? I have excellent reasons to think so,” the chief magistrate sharply and bluntly tackles.
He admits that a mayor must not be above the law and says he is taking steps to shed light on the elements that can no longer be answered.
“I have a question though. Where can this come from? What are the reasons why the Meaux public prosecutor’s office was relieved of this matter in January 2024? We still have the impression that this is essentially dependent work. I am of course available to the justice system to answer any questions it deems useful to ask me.”
Everything comes together to make a good “Dallas”-style soap opera. Lighter, and after having parodied “La Bad Reputation” by Georges Brassens and having cited Coluche and his famous sketch on the media and the timeless “when he doesn’t know any better, he should be allowed to shut his mouth », Jean-François Dardenne then attacks those he describes as “vultures”. In the mouth of the chief magistrate, this is addressed directly to one of his opponents, Loïc Pen and a head of an environmental association. “They are at the origin of a breeding ground for untruths,” specifies Jean-François Dardenne.
Directly implicated, Loïc Pen recalls not having commented on “the judicial aspect of the case” and having responded on the merits in particular by “being concerned about the development of this territory”. On this point, Loïc Pen persists and signs.
As for the prosecutor Jean-Baptiste Bladier, it is a little late to ask him for a reaction but there is no doubt that the columns will be open to him if he wishes to react since his name was mentioned several times during the municipal council of Nogent-sur- Oise this Monday, December 16.
“We must not lose sight of the fact that there is a subject all the same. That of burying possibly illegal waste. This issue must be brought to light. It seems normal that we can comment, whether in the media or elsewhere,” concluded the opposition municipal councilor.

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