Friday December 13, a terrible accident occurred on the D927 which links Beauvais to Méru. A collision between a motorcycle and a car, which occurred at Frocourtcost the life of Djamel Ouddahthe driver of the two-wheeler. On social networks, many people reacted to the death of this father, a teacher at the Antoine-Lavoisier high school in Méru. Much appreciated, this man leaves a great void.
“Djamel was a truly sincere person, in his words, in his friendship, in everything he did.», Reacts Audric Fraisse, one of his friends, on the phone. After surveying their mutual friends, he testifies to a straight and passionate man. “Passionate about his wife, his sons, his job, his students. When he talked about work he was very proud of their successess,” he describes.
“He knew how to bring a smile back”
Audric, who says he has known Djamel for five years now, remembers him as someone naturally gifted with empathy and always in a good mood. “He was someone who knew how to bring a smile back in times when things weren’t going well.“, he explains.
Passionate about new technologies and IT which he taught at the Méru trades high school, Djamel liked to find out in depth before embarking on a new project. “When he had an idea in mind, he did all the necessary research and when he got started, he knew exactly what he wanted», Testifies Audric. “When he became passionate about motorcycles, he began to learn about everything, everything, everything“, he continues.
Djamel Ouddah had completed his training to ride a 125 cc. “He was in the process of getting his license to drive bigger cars. But he had already done… Around 20,000 km I thinkreacts his friend. He wasn’t acting crazy, he was riding cleanly. He was a real biker.»
Djamel Ouddah also practiced capoeira in the Maré Me Leva club. Where, again, several licensees paid tribute to him on social networks.