
The holiday period got off to a bad start for the Mouy sports associations. Monday, December 23, the municipality and the authorities were to note acts of vandalism that had possibly occurred the day before within the stadium grounds. Most of the premises occupied by the various associations were visited and left upside down.
“I was notified the same morning with the other presidents of the associations concerned,” testifies Laurent Guyard, president of Mouy ATAC, the city’s athletics club. “On site, there were the gendarmes, the general director of services and a deputy mayor. We were not the only ones concerned since people visited the premises of the cycling club, football and basketball.”
Cans in the locker rooms
“They asked us to check if anything was missing,” continues the association manager. “It must have been children, because they didn’t touch the alcohol bottles. In our room we had some sweets left over from a snack.”
No problem, the intruders took it anyway, not without leaving a significant mess in the premises visited. Thus, they left numerous cans lying around in the locker rooms, and the Mouy town hall should file a complaint for these facts.
Solidarity around storage
After the disorder, the associations victims of this intrusion were able to count on the solidarity of their members. “We had one last training session planned for Monday evening,” continues Laurent Guyard. “They all helped put everything away. We are a family club. It is the spirit of our discipline that we have instilled in our young people.” And also a little holiday spirit
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