“This goes beyond connecting the Pont-Neuf de Compiègne to the Prairie de Margny-lès-Compiègne. It’s really a structuring axis.” In the Compiègne Agglomeration Council, Bernard Hellal, mayor of Margny-lès-Compiègne, discusses the project ofhopper enlargement under the SNCF tracks, near the Pont-Neuf. There hopper is the short tunnel connecting the new La Prairie district (ZAC) of Margny-lès-Compiègne to the ZAC des Deux Rives, on rue du Dépôtin Margnotin territory.
The widening of the tunnel should allow the automotive two-way and the passage of gentle traffic (bike). The objective is to improve road traffic in the heart of the city, in anticipation of new housing which will increase the number of cars in circulation by 2035.
Why 2035? Because the Zac de la Prairie, the station eco-district and the Zac de l’Ecluse will have come to an end. A design office analyzed current traffic, before presenting a projection of road traffic, once these urban programs have been fully delivered. “A screening with the enlarged hopper and without traffic lightsand projection without the work of the hopper,” specifies Philippe Marini.

In 2035, traffic will increase from 5,000 to 6,500 vehicles per day
This projection suggests that traffic will increase from 5,000 vehicles per day to 6,800 per day by 2035. That is an increase of 33%, which will cause more traffic jams. “In this hopper traffic, 30% of vehicles will go from north to south, and 28% will be linked to the Prairie.”
According to the preliminary project studies delivered by SNCF Réseau delivered in July 2024, priority should be given to the creation of a “closed frame type structure prefabricated on site”. The work will take place in 2028, during the summer period. “This will be done by self-propelled trolleys,” explains Bernard Hellal, 1st vice-president. This is being done with a temporary interruption of rail traffic.” This work will have useful dimensions of 10.50m wide and 2.20m high, allowing a maximum vehicle height of 1.90m.
According to SNCF, the cost of the work amounts to 14.5 million euros excluding tax (works and supplies costs, provisions for risks, project management costs and SNCF project management costs). But Philippe Marini announces 16 million euros (M€). “Because the SNCF forecast does not include the €500,000 of studies already spent, nor the million euros of connection, which must be included in the overall estimate,” specifies the president. Knowing that in this estimate, there is a provision of €2M to cover possible surprises.

“Is it worth spending 16 million euros?”
“Nothing says that the share of bicycles will increase compared to the share of cars in 2035, continues Philippe Marini, on ecological considerations. But if the goal is to cause as many slowdowns as possible in the Compiégnois, we don’t do the hopper. This would be “Anne Hidalgo reasoning”. That way, the congestion would be such that users would abandon the car.”
Philippe Marini “deliberately” provokes Eugénie Le Querré, his delegate for ecology and sustainable development. “No one likes traffic jams,” she agrees. But we can ask ourselves if the scale of the problem is worth 16 million euros.”
“If we had reasoned like that, we would not have built the Pont-Neuf and the city would be blocked,” replies Philippe Marini. There are always “I-don’t-do-nothing” advocates.”

“Not connecting our municipalities would make no sense,” insists Bernard Hellal
“The history of my town is four hoppers, a bridge, four tunnels,” says Romuald Seels, mayor of Venette, a neighboring town to Margny, on the right bank. Venette is surrounded by two railways and two roads. If we want to open up Venette, we need to think about it with the mayor of Margny. If we had thought collectively twenty years ago, we would not have reached €16 million. I understand that it is expensive. But these are the timetable and the price imposed by the SNCF.”
Opponent Daniel Leca, a “convinced environmental optimist”, however, considers that the hopper is necessary. “We are a town surrounded by a rural environment whose residents need a car. In the 2035 projections, we must go from 4960 to 6850 vehicles per day in the hopper. Which seems consistent with the number of housing units created at the Zac de la Prairie and the station eco-district.”
The opponent wonders if the traffic study includes “users who currently avoid the sector and who will use it once the hopper is widened”. “Yes, the design office has included a hypothesis of transferring the railway bridge to the new track,” replies Philippe Marini. There are, in the heart of the Agglo, two parallel vertical routes. The advantage of the hopper is to lighten the traffic around the station center and transfer it to this other vertical axis.”
President Marini specifies that “the 2035 projection presented to elected officials includes the commissioning of the Picardie Roissy line”. As well as “the increase in attendance in the station area”.
“The Pont-Neuf saturated during rush hours”

“We can clearly see that currently, the Pont Neuf is completely saturated at certain times,” comments Bernard Hellal, mayor of Margny. Not connecting our communities would make no sense. It’s natural to expand it.”
The ARC undertakes to finance these studies carried out by SNCF Réseau for a current amount of €1,046,125 excluding tax. The Agglo will seek available financial support.
Eric Bertrand, mayor of Armancourt, believes that the problem must be tackled at the root. “Beyond this study to relieve congestion in Venette and Margny, it seems necessary to me to create transport lines. Direct and paid lines, at the Meux, Jaux, Venette passages… We must encourage the transport of people to the station. That way, they won’t take the car to go to the station.”
North ring road and RN31
Beyond the hopper file, Romuald Seels, mayor of Venette, requests the support of the Agglo “concerning the return to 2×2 lanes of the North ring road. “A subject that we discuss with DDT,” he recalls. This is important given the arrival of jobs in the Bois de Plaisance ZAC. Through Matra, Chanel and Plastic Omnium for hydrogen. A new axis will have to see the light of day next to Promeo.”
“It’s a national road,” recalls President Marini. Road investment credits, in the short term, will be dry. This is a need that will have to be defended, but promises on this subject risk being disappointed. Just as the RN31 between Bois de Lihus and Compiègne is still in the state we know…”