
Shortly after the announcement of the dead of Jean-Marie Le PenTHE RN deputy of Laon Nicolas Dragon salutes his memory on social networks when the PC shoots his publication. When members of small identity groups threaten young communists from Laon.
Nicolas Dragon, RN deputy for the Laon constituency salutes the memory of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who died Tuesday January 7, the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. “Mr Jean-Marie Le Pen has left us. My most sincere condolences to Marine and Caroline Le Pen, to all her family, friends, loved ones. France is losing a lot, he has gone through History with a visionary spirit. He lit the flame that will never go out, as long as France remains great.”
There are compassionate messages
His Facebook post generated many compassionate messages. Bruno Rota writes: “RIP. France, the real France, is in mourning. He will have chosen Charlie’s 10th birthday to leave and prove that his fight was the truth. The last politician who spoke in the interest of France and the French before his own interests died today.” Another speaker emphasizes that he was “a great politician, intelligent, endowed with a sense of honor, and a visionary”.
A certain Bruno Sandra wonders about the demonstrations of joy that the death of the Menhir, nickname of Jean-Marie Le Pen, has aroused in many cities. “We let them do it without repression. And at the same time, farmers’ protests are banned.” This contributor admits that “the parallel may seem inappropriate to you, but this lack of respect reinforces my convictions”. Anthony Pezin promises the tribunal to those who “celebrated the death of Jean-Marie Le Pen in Paris, until the last one”. The majority of contributions are limited to presenting their condolences to Marine Le Pen.
The axonal PC reacts vigorously
A few minutes after the publication of MP Nicolas Dragon, the PCF federation of Aisne responded on social networks by recalling some muscular interventions by the co-founder of the National Front. “To pay tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen is to forget his shameful comments. »
Then she quotes: “1987, The gas chambers, a detail of History; 2011, homosexuality, a biological and social problem and in 2014 on immigration, Monsignor Ebola can solve that in 3 months.” The PCF federation of Aisne concludes: “France deserves better than the legacy of hatred he left.”
A communist from Laon publishes: “Death of Jean-Marie Le Pen: It is the death of an anti-Semite, torturer. It’s about time!” This publication provokes a reaction that harkens back to the horrors of the Second World War. “Ill character, also responsible, with Pétain, for the deportation of thousands of Jews, men, women and children.” Another published with humor: “Definitely, fascists are everywhere… even in hell.”
Small identity groups target young communists in Laon
Faced with these reactions opposed to those of the extreme right, members of small identity groups are issuing threats. “You are next on the list, the communists.” These identitarians had already manifested themselves this summer by threatening, insulting and degrading the home of the federal secretary of the young communists of Aisne. The prefect stationed in Laon in August suggested that those threatened file a complaint.
Directly targeted, Grégory Tomasini responds: “Jean-Marie Le Pen, symbol of hatred and division, does not deserve the tributes he receives. We strongly condemn the threats from small identity groups against our activists. In the face of hatred, the Young Communists will remain standing. The ideas remain, but we fight them firmly. As Jaurès said: Courage is to seek the truth and to tell it, it is to not submit to the law of triumphant lies.
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