Neighborhood problems with party rooms are common in the Oise. This is the case in Chambly. This is also the case for La Houssoye where nearby residents complain of noise pollution. “We’ve been here for six yearstestifies Pascale Charier, one of the neighbors of the La Houssoye village hall. When we bought, we were not told that it was a village hall.»And for good reason. “It’s the old village school, it shouldn’t be a village hall. It is not up to standard“, she explains.
She would like the town hall to take measures to reduce nuisances. Contacted, Mayor Benjamin Peny confirms his comments. “In fact, it does not meet the standards of a village hall.“, he concedes. But “we saw with the ARS“. And according to him, rental is subject to different rules than a standard room. In particular, it can be rented less often. But, even if he recognizes that there have been excesses this year, he is not planning any work for the moment.
Fireworks set off in the courtyard
Because in fact, it is not so much the rental of the room that annoys local residents, but the nuisance that sometimes results from it. Whether they come from the lack of sound insulation or from the excesses of revelers. “Of the 9 times it was rented, we had to call the police five times», deplores Pascale Charier. Until an incident that occurred this year.
While the room is rented by a group of young people and the noise level is high, the couple warns an assistant who sends a message to the tenants of the room asking them to make less noise. “Except that around half past midnight, they let off fireworks in the courtyard», Testifies Pascale Charier, supporting video. With her husband, they decided to file a complaint.
“I understand that they filed a complaint», admits Benjamin Peny. He also indicates that he reported the facts to the public prosecutor. “The room can no longer be booked by these people», assures the mayor. Which is not enough for the local couple who affirm that by changing the person who reserves, the same group can return. They would like a pressure limiter to prevent the music from exceeding a certain threshold. The question of a security agent was also asked during a municipal council meeting.
No improvement but better control, promises the mayor
“We asked ourselves the question of completely closing this roomadds Benjamin Peny. But that would be a shame for people who want to book for a family meal, for lunch, for example.» He promises to be more careful about who the room is rented to in the future. But do not consider work to improve soundproofing or anything else. Especially in the current political context where municipalities do not know what the state budget will be.
“My priority is school. We will put all the money into the school», warns the mayor. In the meantime, residents are organizing to make their demands. Whether they concern noise pollution from the village hall, speeding in the town and cars parking on the sidewalk.