On the night of Saturday December 28 to Sunday December 29, in Fitz-James (Oise)the police decided to check a Renault Clio which was driving in front of them in a hazardous manner, at low speed, and with hazard lights on. They activate their vehicle’s horns and lights, which should make the other car slow down, but it has the opposite effect.
The driver, Adeline Dubois, who is going to a party after smoking a cannabis joint and snorting a little cocaine, accelerates and crosses a roundabout. She drives on the left forcing a motorist to avoid her, she runs several red lights, goes in a prohibited direction where she hits two parked cars and continues on her way at full speed. She misses two stops, takes another roundabout in reverse, loses a front wheel in a missed turn. But nothing stops her, she continues on three wheels. The second front wheel burst, this time the escapee was caught by the police. The soldiers will have to break the window of the Clio in which the driver has taken refuge.
The driver was a repeat offender
“I did anything», replied the defendant before the Beauvais court this Monday, December 30, who is a repeat offender. Her license was suspended on September 2 because she was driving under cocaine. She was to be tried for these facts next February. “I was followed for two years by the Casa (addictive behavior reception and care center, editor’s note) from Clermontshe continues. I no longer used… I should have been followed for longer.»
Her criminal record includes four convictions, collected between 2014 and January 24, 2019. This last appearance ended with a three-month prison sentence which was amended, because at the time she was raising her autistic son alone who did not does not benefit from a placement measure. She was no longer talked about until last September. According to her, it was following her family difficulties (her mother’s illness, the death of her daughter, the loss of her job), that to no longer think about everyday life she slipped into narcotics.
“She could have killed another motorist or killed herself”
The three gendarmes who pursued her became civil parties. They are represented by Domitille Risbourg who notes that the defendant wanted to apologize. “Which is very rareunderlines the lawyer. She panicked! When she saw the police, she fled instead of taking responsibility. She could have killed another motorist or herself, thus depriving her children a few days before the holidays.» She recalls in passing “that the police are not there so as not to return home in the evening“.
The deputy prosecutor mentioned the enormous social difficulties of the defendant. “But she earns what the State is willing to give her and spends part of it buying drugs. And she takes reckless risks on the road. But what will become of her children without her who faces six years in prison and who risks sleeping in Beauvais prison this evening? I hesitated, she needs more support, it’s necessary. Work on behalf of the community would be appropriate as would the prison, it is fundamental: it has gone too far. She will have to make an effort to obtain adjustments to the firm part of the sentence.»
Sentenced to twelve months in prison
The defense lawyer, Marie Dufoyer, takes on a difficult task: pleading on the personality of the defendant who has had a difficult life journey. “A first autistic son whose father has left, the death of his daughter’s father, the father of the last two children is in an irregular situation, his mother’s health…“.
Adeline Dubois was found guilty. She was sentenced to twelve months in prison, including six months suspended on probation for three years with an obligation to work for addictological and psychological care. She will have to compensate the victims, pay the sums owed to the public treasury and carry out 70 hours of community service. Her driving license is canceled and she will have to wait ten months before applying for a new one. She is ordered to pay three fines of €100 each and will have to pay the sum of €1,200 to the gendarmes who have become civil parties, all causes of damage included. She received a summons to appear before the sentence enforcement judge for the adjustment of the firm part of her prison sentence.