
This Wednesday, November 27, Public health France published its bulletin on acute respiratory infections In France. In the Hauts-de-France region, the figures confirm an epidemic of bronchiolitis. As for the fluit is at the pre-epidemic stage.
Bronchiolitis epidemic
Hauts-de-France is not the only region to see this bronchiolitis epidemic evolve. Six other regions are in the same situation: Brittany, Île-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence – Alpes – Côte d’Azur .
In this bulletin, Public Health France reports that acute respiratory infections are on the rise in France, mainly among children.
In France among children under two years old, the indicators are on the rise, whether it is the number of visits to the emergency room (+2.6% last week) or the number of hospitalizations after a visit to the emergency room ( +3.8% last week).
The flu and covid-19 still present
In this report, figures relating to influenza are also mentioned. Here too, the indicators are on the rise, even if this is much less strong (+0.1% last week for the number of visits to the emergency room as well as for the number of hospitalizations after a visit to the emergency room) .
Rest it covid-19the indicators remain stable. The number of visits to the emergency room has not changed. As for the number of hospitalizations after a trip to the emergency room, it is down slightly (-0.1% last week).
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