
In a leaflet published by the CGT, the unions denounce “deplorable working conditions which harm both employees and residents”. The CGT Ehpad d’Attichy “Les Deux Châteaux”, in the Lisières de l’Oise, is calling for a demonstration tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, in front of the establishment, at 1, rue du Parc.
“The employees of the Attichy retirement home are on the front line to ensure the well-being of the residents” writes the CGT in this leaflet which denounces “unacceptable working conditions”. The facility is also known as Dorchy Retirement Home.
A “chronic understaffing”
At the forefront of the list of complaints drawn up by the unions, “a glaring lack of staff”, leading, they list, to “chronic understaffing”, to an “overload of work” for caregivers and more generally to widespread “exhaustion”. “The staff is at their wits’ end,” believes the CGT, which wonders “how to ensure dignified support (for residents) in these conditions?
“Unpaid” overtime
The rights of employees would not be more respected. The management of the establishment would, again according to the CGT, make schedule changes “at the last minute”, making it “impossible to have a personal life”. But the union also accuses the establishment of salary shortcomings: “Bonuses, step advancements and overtime are not paid,” assures the union, which notes that “some agents have clocks of more than 1,000 hours.” What union representatives equate to “free work”. This situation would mainly concern night workers.
Union repression?
While union delegates and agents decided to take to the front this Tuesday, denouncing certain practices would not be without consequences. “Management responds with repression: pressure, threats, intimidation of union representatives,” writes the CGT, which also says it does not want to “let it happen.”
The leaflet calling for demonstrations ends with a list of demands. : immediate hiring “to guarantee dignified working conditions” such as respecting schedules and more generally “real consultation with staff”. The union also demands adapted equipment “to ensure proper care of residents”, payment of sums due (overtime as advancement) and finally, “the end of union repression and respect for the law to defend (their) working conditions.”
The CGT calls for demonstrations in front of the Attichy retirement home tomorrow, Tuesday January 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Both agents and residents’ families are invited to join the movement.
Fabrice Oganesoff (CGT): “Very regular sanctions against unionized agents”
Union delegate at the CHI (Intercommunal Hospital Center) of Clermont, to which the Attichy nursing home depends for the CGT, Fabrice Oganesoff, discusses the tensions between staff and management: “There have been several management changes in Attichy in recent years, here, we have had a new director since 2024,” he begins.
A management with which relations with the unions seem complicated. “We observe very regular sanctions against unionized agents.” Notably an emblematic case: “There is the case of this night guard fired in September for having been a whistleblower regarding an abused resident. They built a case against him, obtained some certificates against him.” While at the same time, “we received on the contrary three times as many certificates in his favor”, and that “the disciplinary council ruled that there was no reason to request his dismissal”. Which was nevertheless done.
The unions note at least two other contested measures against unionized agents, whether they belong to the CGT or to other centrals: in particular the case of “an agent automatically retired when it was not his wish”, and also another “who is awaiting his disciplinary council”.
Tomorrow’s demonstration will therefore be under tension. “The agents have already received a letter to remind them that they are subject to a duty of confidentiality and to tell them “that as agents they must show restraint in their expression””, concludes Fabrice Oganesoff.
The agents will receive the support of their union base tomorrow during their demonstration.
We contacted the management of the establishment. We are currently awaiting their return.
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