
The advisers of the majority of the Departmental Council asked Nadège Lefebvre to come alone, without the members of his cabinet, Monday morning January 27. She will have to explain under what conditions her closest collaborators have written a note detailing the means to sink Oise Hebdo.
Previous articles: here and here.
The “Oise-Hebdo-Gate” has not finished having consequences for the policy of the department. In a secret note, of which the president herself, confirmed the existence (without condemning it), the departmental council wanted to appropriate the title Oise Hebdo to the INPI to prevent the publication of the weekly and S ‘Entering the domain name Oisehebdo.fr, if necessary by paying the services of a “hacker”, to destroy the newspaper.
This attempted sabotage of a modest local newspaper accused of independence of mind shocked more than one. Departmental advisor Olivier Paccaud wrote: “Wanting to silence a media is contrary to all democratic principles.” Advisor Arnaud Dumontier says that this attack “gives him the nausea”. From everywhere, it is bronca against the president, its authoritarianism, its functioning in enclosed mode, its lack of greatness, its lack of political sense. Because also, behind these management errors which make the delight of the oppositions are looming the elections that they do not want to lose.
Nadège Lefebvre cancels the plenary assembly on Monday.
This meeting of the 34 elected officials of the majority was to be followed, at 9 am, of a plenary assembly therefore public. This would not have been of interest. The 8 elected officials of the opposition would not have failed to ask questions about the “Oise-Hebdo-Gate”. There would even be the possibility of the vote of a motion of distrust of the president.
But Nadège Lefebvre found the parade at this risk of public humiliation. She sent a message, today Friday, January 24, to cancel this public plenary assembly.
“By this message,” she says, “I inform you that the meeting meeting of January 27, which included only one report,” is canceled, this report not being finalized. “
A majority of opponents of Nadège Lefebvre
Phew, Nadège Lefebvre escaped him beautiful.
A vote could have been going wrong because the “Nadesgistes” became a minority. It exists, according to our calculations and estimates, that 11 nadenists against 23 anti-nadepist.
Remain with Nadège Lefebvre: 11 Nadesgists
- Nadège Lefebvre – Beauvais 2: (well we think she always supports herself)
- Béatrice Lefebvre – Beauvais 1: (her sister)
- Frédérique Leblanc – Méru: (Always on the side of power)
- Denis Pype-Saint-Just-en-Chaussée: (stiff as an agricultural cigarette)
- Nicole Cordier-Saint-Just-en-Chaussée: (which has the same stiffness)
- Patrice Marchand-Chantilly: (who believes that Jean-François Mancel is still there)
- Maxime Minot – Clermont: (the most faithful of the flagorneurs)
- Sandrine de Figuereido – Compiègne 2: (Blessed and delighted)
- Anaïs Dhamy-Estrées-Saint-Denis: (the two feet well planted in Picardy soil)
- Franck Pia – Beauvais 2: (Binomial of Nadège and hired against Caroline, a woman at a time is enough)
- Thibault Delavenne – Noyon: (from the left, the advantage of the defectors is that they are faithful)
and 23 anti-nadepist
- Cory Neau-Senlis: (Senlis, it’s not the Chapelle-aux-Pots, right?)
- Jérôme Bascher – Senlis: (who believes that he would do much better in the same place)
- Bruno Caleiro – meru: (because he prefers the policy of smile at the reign of terror)
- Isabelle Wojtowiez-Chantilly: (Woerthist, therefore pro-Cuttial therefore anti-Nadège)
- Patrice Fontaine-Estrées-Saint-Denis: (because he does not want minors not accompanied in his canton)
- Martine Borgoo – Grandvilliers: (because Nadège, it’s really not her cup of tea)
- Luc Chapoton-Crépy-en-Valois: (because he is Horizons-Edouard Philippe and not LR)
- Gilles Sellier-Nanteuil-le-Haudouin: (because he likes to be treated like a kid)
- Nicole Colin-Nanteuil-le-Haudouin: (because she is rebellious when she feels the wind turns)
- Eric de Valroger – Compiègne 1: (he never appreciated Nadège)
- Olivier Paccaud – Mouy: (because he does not share all the points of view of the president …)
- Sandrine Connell-Crépy-en-Valois: (because she is the chapoton pair)
- Pascal Verbeke – Grandvilliers: (because it is part of Olivier Paccaud’s party)
- Benoît Biberon-Chaumont-en-Vexin: (because he has even worse character than Nadège)
- Anne Fumery – Mouy: (It’s the team at Paccaud)
- Sophie Levesque-Chaumont-en-Vexin: (because she did not appreciate being sent by the president to defend the home of unaccompanied minors before the national press)
- Arnaud Dumontier-Pont-Sainte-Maxence: (because he is tired of incompetence)
- Christophe Dietrich-Nogent-sur-Oise: (because he has his frank speaking and that he is not speaks to him as a child)
- Jean Desessart – Compiègne 2: (because he wants to be re -elected in 2028, 2034, 2040…)
- Danielle Carlier – Compiègne 1: (because she did not appreciate the ambiguity of Nadège towards the RN in the last legislative elections)
- Charles Locquet – Beauvais 1: (because he thinks that politics works better with a little politics)
- Teresa Dias-Pont-Sainte-Maxence: (because we can do better)
- Gillian Roux-Nogent-sur-Oise: (because she joined Jean-François Dardenne, in Nogent)
There are the seven elected officials of the opposition more Ophélie Van Elsuwe, elected from Clermont, who would also have voted against Nadège: 31 against 11.
However, this calculation does not have a great consequence because the president is irremovable. The budget should not be voted. But there, anti-nadepists are recurrent. “We must remain reasonable,” said one. We are not there to break the machine. I have never been unfair and I will never be but it must take into account that it takes with it all the elected officials who are absolutely for nothing. ”
Funny and more cynical, another adds: “I think that nothing will happen after the meeting. We will pretend not to be happy. She will deny. We will pretend to believe it. And we will move on. “
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