Following the testimony published on December 4 from parents shocked by the care their infant received at Beauvais hospitalthe Simone-Veil hospital center used its right of reply.
Right of reply
“Subject: exercise of the right of response to a press article
Registered letter AR
The Center Hospitalier Simone Veil de Beauvais hereby intends to use the right of reply following an article published in the periodical whose content you direct and on the site whose content you manage.
Indeed, on December 4, 2024, Oise Hebdo and oisehebdo.fr published an article entitled “Beauvais Hospital. A couple wants to file a complaint after their baby is taken into care.” in which the Hospital Center was directly implicated.
We specify firstly that the alleged lack of reaction was linked to the fact that the child was not identifiable. This was reported to the journalist who contacted the Hospital Center. Identification having been ensured following the publication of the article, the parents were contacted to organize a time for discussion, to hear them and answer their questions.
The Simone Veil Hospital Center in Beauvais and all of its teams confirm their commitment to quality care and taking into account the complaints of users and parents.
Therefore, we demand that the periodical whose content you direct and the site whose content you manage publish our response in full, in accordance with article 13 of the 1881 law on freedom of the press.
Thanking you for the attention you will give to our request, we ask you to accept, Sir, our distinguished greetings.
The Director, Patrick Déniel”
Right of reply to the right of reply
Some details on this right of reply from the hospital. First of all, an error. The article has not yet appeared in the paper newspaper. Contrary to what is claimed. But perhaps the management of the hospital center does not buy Oise Hebdo. And it is his strictest right. Only it could have been practical for checking the articles that appear there.
“We specify firstly that the alleged lack of reaction was linked to the fact that the child was not identifiable. This was reported to the journalist who contacted the Hospital Center.» It is true that communication from the hospital was requested before publication, first by telephone then, following its wishes, by email. That she responded to have the full name of the family the next day. And that the email has been drowned in the flow that the editorial staff receives. Without receiving a response. On the other hand, it’s a bit big to write that the child was not identifiable.
In the email requesting the communication service, the child’s first name is indicated with their date of hospitalization. But not only that. It is also specified that the baby was transferred from Beauvais for around ten days to the Amiens hospital before being taken care of again by the Simone-Veil hospital center. It is also added that the child suffered from dehydration. So many elements that must leave a shortlist of parents. Assuming that there are several babies with the same first name having been hospitalized on the same day to be transferred at the same time and for the same duration to Amiens before returning to Beauvais. It’s possible.
In addition, the parents had already indicated that they were in contact with the hospital’s mediation service. Which they still confirm today. What they do not confirm, however, is that they “were contacted to organize a time for discussion, to hear them and answer their questions“. But maybe it’s true. In any case the right of reply does not challenge their testimony.