
Sophie Dhoury-Lehner found herself for the first time alone at the helm of the vows ceremony at the earthenware factory, vows traditionally made on the very first days of January. No deputy (A. Sabatou) but a PS senator (A. Ouizille) and numerous elected officials from neighboring municipalities belonging to the Creil Sud Oise agglomeration community.
The population showed keen interest in the first wishes of the first female mayor of the city of 35,000 inhabitants. Intrigued, interested, sometimes even watching for the first misstep, many Creillois came to witness this premiere.
Tradition also obliges, pride of place was given to the spectacle. This year, hip-hop and the section led by the Gabriel Havez college opened the ball. With a determined step, Sophie Lehner takes the stage. It’s barely 7:15 p.m. She initially forgets to call the entire municipal council and quickly changes her mind. And yes, let’s not forget that the first deputy is none other than the former mayor, Jean-Claude Villemain. “Sorry, it’s still my first as mayor,” jokes the first magistrate in an apparent relaxation which contributes to bringing her a lot of sympathy, at least for the large majority of guests present that evening in the large earthenware performance hall.
Moving forward. Predict the future
Looking back on achievements is one thing, tackling projects is another. Sophie Lehner discusses each of them methodically, always having in mind not to tire.
We must remember two salient subjects from these wishes, in particular the desire for the elected officials in place to profoundly modify the image of their city. To do this, it is the arrival of new districts including the ec’eau port, the station district and the achievements made possible thanks to Anru, Npru and other acronyms which aim to unlock funds , ultimately, the crux of the matter.
Modifying the image of a radical change of an entire territory with millions of dollars is the project. We can also cite the total renovation of Place Saint-Médard, but also that of May 8 or even Place Dunand.
The image. This is what the first magistrate wants to tackle. She seems proud of her city, a city where she was born and where she spent most of her childhood. She knows the neighborhoods and has every intention of restoring Creil to its splendor. This is on paper and everyone knows that this is not the easiest file to carry out.
“I have a message to our detractors, those who most of the time do nothing and who criticize. Our objective is to change this image of this city, an image which sticks to the skin of Creillois and which was initiated, we must not forget, by the stigmatization served by political ambitions.
Sophie Dhoury-Lehner makes a direct reference by name to the Gabriel Havez college scarf affair of thirty years ago, a case which served, in her opinion, as a real political springboard for the principal of the time, Ernest Chéniere.
The price of secularism for middle school students
That the Gabriel Havez college was highlighted at the time of his wishes was no coincidence, but even more so, it was the work of the college students and those accompanying them that was placed at the forefront. Excuse me, the clip on secularism, the first sketches of which were presented during the visit of the Minister of National Education, Anne Genetet, last October, obtained the prestigious secularism prize in December. “I’m surprised this hasn’t made the headlines. When there is a problem, Creil is in bold. When there are beautiful things, great achievements, we hardly hear about them. We are proud of the work of these college students and that is why we are giving them the city medal. A well-deserved reward,” concluded the first magistrate on the subject before bringing on stage the actors of this achievement, principal of the college in the lead, Lisa Morin.
Professional and sporting success, city medalist
Other city medals were awarded, notably to those who did not hesitate to appear in a promotional film for the city, the objective being to show success in all its forms.
Ayyoub Bouaddi, a now well-known footballer playing in league 1 in the North, Ephrasie, a health professional and Anta, an actress who is starting to make a serious name for herself in the cinema industry, were unfortunately unable to be present at this award ceremony. medal. He and they were retained for professional reasons. If the footballer was represented by his sister Sanya, far from being unknown in Creille and who could also have very easily been one of the winners, since she is completing a brilliant course of study to become a pharmacist, Sophie Lehner also presented the city medal to Ismaël Sosa, a school teacher who came, like many teachers, to initially work for a few years in Creil before putting together his transfer file. Well, it has been going on for 20 years and he is happy to teach on the heights of Creil. He learned to love the city, its inhabitants, and above all remains proud to bring knowledge to young schoolchildren.
Everyone understands that the main objective of this wish ceremony is to remind you that Creil is and will remain, whatever happens, a united city.

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