
“Youth is a provisional state to generate desire over time,” says Mayor Philippe Marini. This is why we were interested in middle school students.” Friday, November 22 at the town hall, elected officials presented the contours of the future youth council of Compiègne.
A council bringing together fifth grade students of the city’s six colleges: two per college. In this case: Malraux, Denain, Bac, Monod, Jean-Paul II and Sévigné. “There will be two incumbents and two substitutes,” explains Mayor Philippe Marini. By respecting parity as much as possible.”
The choice of fifths is a first step. They commit for a period of two years. The extension to other levels will be the next step.
The objective of this youth council is to develop civic engagement, to encourage young people to participate in local life by developing different projects.
The twelve college students live in Compiègne
The mayor leads this presentation meeting with Jihade Oukadi, elected delegate to this youth council. There is also Kamel Touih and Xavier Bombard, municipal councilors delegated to neighborhood local interest committees (CILC). This youth council actually comes from these neighborhood committees in the city of Compiègne. More precisely on the occasion of a meeting on the theme of associating youth with the life of the city.
The twelve students who will make up this council are already class representatives. They live in Compiègne. “And in the event of incompatibility, we have designated a motivated student,” specifies the mayor.
Why isn’t this youth council called the municipal youth council? “These young people are Compiégnois today, but not yet citizens,” replies the mayor. The notion of “municipal council” refers to an institution. There, it’s wider and it’s different. They are adolescents and therefore, young people in training.
Alexandre Marlot will be the leader of this youth council. He is responsible for the Youth Center and coordinator of youth projects. He also coordinates Compiègne Plage, every summer at Bayser Park.
Two to three annual projects
In what areas will the members of this youth council act? “In all areas,” replies Kamel Touih. We will have to stick to civic values. Some things will not be possible, but we will discuss them. And these will be more or less long-term projects.” There will be two to three annual projects.
However, there is a question of commemoration projects (2nd World War), sustainable development, fresco creation, artistic creation, etc. Certain projects may be open to other young people, in connection with sports clubs in particular.
“It’s an ambitious project,” says first deputy Sophie Schwarz. It’s not a gimmick. We want to build substantial projects together.” The elected officials who set it up took advice from the Marcq-en-Barœul town hall (in the North), which set up a similar council.
Hugues Mahieux, president of the Avenues neighborhood committee, sees it as a “great democratic opportunity”. With Francis Picot, president of the Bellicart district, he is at the origin of the thinking leading to the creation of the youth council. “It’s good that it’s starting this way,” says Hugues Mahieu. Before running you have to walk. We are going to give the floor to young people. It will ripen and the children’s eyes will shine.”

Installation in December
Firstly, the advisors will have to draft an operating charter
The Youth Council will meet twice on Wednesday afternoons per month from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Outside of school holidays, with working groups. Educational outings may take place during the year
The list of the youth council is known. Next step in December, with installation and start-up.
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