While the provision of healthcarehospital of Chateau-Thierry decreases, public exchanges between the former deputy and former chairman of the hospital supervisory board, namely Jacques Krabal on the one hand, with Sébastien Eugenethe new president of this supervisory board, mayor of Château-Thierry, president of the Agglomeration and departmental councilor, on the other hand, have more to do with settling personal scores than with the desire to offer the inhabitants of the sector a complete health offer, available and close.
The National Rally deputy, Jocelyn Dessigny, elected in 2022 and re-elected in the first round after the dissolution of the National Assembly this summer, is interfering in this battle of leaders which has been poisoning local life in the south of Aisne since the young new mayor pushed the old former deputy into retirement, without his consent.
Observations and first attacks by the former deputy
In an open letter dated October 28, notably addressed to the President of the Republic, former deputy Jacques Krabal accuses his replacement at Château-Thierry town hall and on the hospital supervisory board of doing nothing to oppose to a hypothetical dismantling of the hospital. In this letter, the former elected official points out a drop in attendance at the establishment and demands precise explanations for this observation.
Jacques Krabal also asks to know the reasons for the drop in staff numbers, which he says is 31 full-time equivalents since 2023. The former Macronist elected official also points to the closure of dermatology and rheumatology consultations and the weakening of healthcare services. ophthalmology, nephrology, orthopedics, ENT, as well as the closure of the gastroenterology department. In addition, he protests against the cancellation of the creation of a heavy Dialysis Center with 8 machines in Château-Thierry, when that of Soissons has just been equipped with 4 more.
The downgrading of the maternity ward is yet another subject of discontent for Jacques Krabal: “You supported the project to downgrade the Château-Thierry maternity ward which went from level 2 A to level 1, which means the closure of the service. of neonatology and which weakens the pediatric service and maternity. Therefore, which would further weaken our hospital. »
The question of the work at the Castel hospital and especially the presidency of the interim management of the Château-Thierry hospital, ensured by the director of the Soissons hospital, push Jacques Krabal to accuse a plan put in place to an upcoming dismantling of the establishment in the south of Aisne in favor of that of Soissons.
If we add to this, the closure of the 4 beds of the cardiac intensive care unit in Château-Thierry with the creation of 2 more beds in Soissons, the former strongman of the south of Aisne, relegated today to a simple observer, warns: “To improve the provision of care and stop the dismantling of our hospital, Mr. Director, Mr. President, we inform you that we are officially requesting the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health in order to ensure respect for the choice of the Supervisory Board of April 2023 which had unanimously decided to provide the Château-Thierry hospital with independent management, and to proceed with the recruitment of a new director, the most quickly possible. »
Sébastien Eugène’s response
In a response addressed to Dieu Krabal, and to all that the Republic has as President of the Republic, ministers, varied and diverse associations involved in the life of French hospitals, Sébastien Eugène responds vigorously to this attack by Jacques Krabal against him. And it starts strong: “By an open letter that you did not send to me, but which was addressed to the highest level of the State, you publicly question the interim management of the Château-Thierry hospital . »
The excitable new president of the supervisory board of the Castel hospital dismantles point by point the allegations of his senior by more than 40 years: “It appears that the level of 2024 corresponds to that of 2019, which constitutes your last year of mandate in as chairman of the supervisory board of this hospital. At the time, however, you constantly praised this level of activity which you presented as very high. » Further on, the attack is more vigorous: “You publicly accuse, not without trial of defamatory intent, the interim management of being at the origin of all the difficulties encountered by our hospital. This statement seems surprising given the governance errors that you have encouraged, which have resurfaced in recent years and have seriously harmed the image and attractiveness of our hospital. »
“No, the dismantling of the hospital is not in progress,” assures RN deputy Jocelyn Dessigny
In his press release of November 12, Jocelyn Dessigny asks Jacques Krabal to move away from his partisan posture by ceasing to criticize without moderation all the decisions taken by the hospital management: He therefore writes: “My presence within the Council monitoring of the hospital allowed me to measure the undeniable progress made since the interim director of Soissons took over the reins of the establishment. » The elected official at the Palais Bourbon urges Jacques Krabal to stop “fearing users and their families, as well as hospital agents and caregivers. »
Jocelyn Dessigny affirms this and sends the 76-year-old former deputy back to the ropes: “No, the dismantling of the hospital is not in progress. No, the interim management does not systematically favor the Soissons hospital. Stop the misinformation and manipulation. »
The MP regrets the partisan positions of Jacques Krabal in the context of tensions in hospitals in France: “I deeply regret the partisan attitude of the former mayor and deputy who, through intrusive methods that are somewhat questionable, attempts to bring together negative energies with the aim, again and again, of systematically criticizing all decisions taken by management. However, the dialogue is open, speech is freed. Constructive discussions have finally taken place since the change of presidency within the supervisory board. All actors of good will have come together with the aim of perpetuating our hospital. So that the evil tongues are finally silent. »
Jacques Krabal puts a euro back in the bag
The good thing about Jacques Krabal is that he never admits defeat. This, despite the many untucks that he has directly accumulated over several years, as have his political friends. Thus, in general, we can cite his failure for the presidency of the Renaissance party in Aisne or the recent election to the hospital supervisory board where he lost by 4 votes to 3 against Sébastien Eugène, his enemy. respondent. Even his former political friends are suffering from Jacques Krabal’s declining image. This is the case, for example, of his friend, whom he had elected to the presidency of the agglomeration when it was created. The latter is today so entangled in his desire to harm Sébastien Eugène, from whom he wanted to remove his prerogatives as first vice-president, that he resigned at the beginning of the year. Now he is accused of having led the agglomeration to the brink of a financial abyss which was recently revealed by an external audit. In short, Krabal and his friends are in disarray and this latest offensive around the hospital gives the impression of a timely counter-fire, more than of any real interest for the hospital and the inhabitants of the south of Aisne.
So this December 12, Jacques Krabal gave a euro in these attacks against the mayor of Château-Thierry by responding to the deputy of Sud-Axonais: “Your letters in response to my open letter, Stop the dismantling of our hospital, allow me to remind you of some truths that must have escaped you. Since your respective elections as mayor of Château-Thierry and as Deputy, you like to sow controversy towards me and towards his hospital (In reality, it was Jacques Krabal who started the hostilities with his letter open, as he admits at the beginning of this letter, Editor’s note). In accordance with your habits, you prefer personal attacks, false accusations, rather than answering the 13 questions that I asked in my letter about our hospital, its services and its users. How is it possible that the mayor of Château-Thierry and the MP for the constituency can not react to the dismantling of our hospital and only support that of Soissons? »
Then the former elected official from the south of Aisne resumes the long litany of his accusations. He then gives a lesson on what an elected official should be: “Isn’t the role of a mayor and a deputy, rather than dividing, to bring together? For my part, to defend our hospital, I call on everyone, staff, unions, political parties to come together with the association “My health I care about, its hospital, its living area, I support”. He thus implicitly admits that this association, which Oise Hebdo will talk about again soon, is only a supposedly independent instrument, but created from scratch for the defense of his political aspirations.
And the citizens in all this?
In his repeated attacks, the deputy forgets two things: the inhabitants of the south of Aisne, but also of part of Seine-et-Marne and Marne for whom the Château-Thierry hospital can offer local solution for seeking treatment, on the one hand. And on the other hand, it is neither the mayor of Château-Thierry nor the hospital directors who decide on the investments and specialties offered by their establishments, but the regional health agency. It is therefore towards her that Jacques Krabal should have concentrated his attacks. But his real target is only the mayor of Château-Thierry who is gradually sending the old positive image of Jacques Krabal to oblivion. Which obviously the latter cannot accept. And too bad for the citizens of southern Aisne, who are only a means of countering the bitterness of Krabal.
He then remembers these words of General de Gaulle: “Old age is a shipwreck” Provided that Jacques Krabal does not ultimately take with him either the Château-Thierry hospital, nor the citizens who really need it.