During a meeting at the Petr-Uccsa headquarters on December 11, Sébastien Eugène, the new president of the hospital supervisory boarddenounced the maneuvers policies former political leaders who are currently carrying out undermining operations against himself and especially against the hospital. He thus aimed atformer MP Jacques Krabalwithout ever naming it.
Eugène denounces “gross political exploitation”
“Our hospital has, for several weeks, once again been the object of gross political exploitation by the very people who led it to the edge of an administrative, financial and moral abyss having led the ARS to set up a provisional interim management, time to restore order,” said Sébastien Eugène after the meeting. The current new president of the hospital Supervisory Board is none other than the intimate enemy of former deputy Jacques Krabal who is currently leading vigorous charges against him. “What must be understood, personally, it took me several years, is that some people favored the disorganization of the hospital, leading to less administrative control and an optimization of their remuneration. When the former director resigned 18 months ago, 1 in 3 medical contracts were not legal. » Eugène’s observation is direct and it directly targets Jacques Krabal who is currently struggling to exist a little longer in the south of Aisne after having been the great guru there for almost 20 years. But times are changing.
It is now the regional chamber of accounts which is poking its nose into this matter which should be solely the responsibility of Health but which Jacques Krabal has placed under the auspices of politics. “The examination by the magistrates of the regional chamber of accounts, which I fiercely demanded, finally took place this summer and the report, currently being finalized, will be made public in spring 2025. In order to create a diversion, those responsible of the old system which persisted thanks to strong political protection – the same coalition which led to a near bankruptcy of our agglomeration – denigrate the hospital and the interim management,” denounced Sébastien Eugene.
A meeting with elected officials from the two intercommunal authorities in the south of Aisne and the interim director of the hospital
A meeting with elected officials was organized on December 11 by the presidents of the intermunicipalities of the south of Aisne, in the presence of Éric Lagardère, the interim director of the hospital, was organized to provide a progress update and set the facts straight. Sébastien Eugène summarizes the discussions that took place there: “In summary, if the national situation directly affects the activity of the hospital, lack of doctors, problem of financing of public hospitals, public-private competition, etc., the Hospital projects are moving forward with administration and contracts gradually cleaned up. Proposed by the interim management, the recognition of a 2nd SMUR unit and the maintenance of a cardiology intensive care unit (USIC) were refused by the ARS. An appeal was filed by the management and I myself wrote to the director of the ARS to ask him to review his decision, our rural hospital not having to suffer from the lack of doctors nationally. Contrary to the false information circulating, the refusal comes from the ARS and not from the interim management which submitted all the files and carried out the appeals. Our collective mobilization should therefore focus on the refusal of the ARS rather than on any direction. »
Business development
While the old former deputy Jacques Krabal continues to cry about the decline in the hospital’s activities, which is partially true, it is worth noting the development of several activities at the Castel hospital: echo-endoscopy bronchial (September 2024), digestive ultrasound endoscopy (October 2024), sectoral mobile palliative care team (October 2024), sleep explorations (January 2025), pediatric day hospital (January 2025), dental panoramic (January 2025), nature room for childbirth (April 2025), mammography (June 2025), etc.
Sébastien Eugène, the President of the Supervisory Board newly elected against Jacques Krabal himself, this perhaps explains this, insists on “the massive investment plan aimed at carrying out the work promised for more than 20 years” which is in progress : “A new building, a new car park, the implementation of fire safety in the existing building. » While the 35 million euro project validated by the ARS will begin in 2025, improvement work worth 4 million euros was invested in 2024.
Moreover, for a hospital whose former strongman from the south of Aisne explains to anyone who will listen that it is in the process of being dismantled, the young Sébastien Eugène explains that “the hospital has just been certified by the High Authority of Health (HAS), attesting to the quality of care. »
Day after day, Sébastien Eugène attacks the last foundations of Jacque Krabal’s former hold on this territory: “As with the agglomeration in recent weeks, I have no doubt that the truth will triumph before long” , assures the young mayor of Château-Thierry.
For the record, Sébastien Eugène has suffered attacks from Jacques Krabal since 2017, when the latter installed the young politician in his place as mayor whom he thought he could control. But Sébastien Eugène managed to free himself from the tutelage of the old wolf from the lower part of the Aisne, decayed and jealous, who Jacques Krabal became during the political rise of Sébastien Eugène. Jacques Krabal has a hard time still existing in a region that forgets him day after day. Attacking Sébastien Eugène seems to be nothing more than a question of political survival, which, as the song says: “But no, no, the Krabal is not dead, because it is still moving, because it is still moving…” Yes, but for how much longer? For the hospital and the south of Aisne, the rapid and definitive political death of Jacques Krabal will be best.