More and more cities are getting started. For ecological reasons, and for economic reasons. Like many French municipalities, Chambly (Oise) decided to switch its public lighting to 100% LED. A project which is part of a more global plan, “Chambly 2030”implemented in 2019. “This plan aims to respond to environmental challengessays David Lazarus, mayor of the city. It integrates public lighting, but also the management of water resources, electrical equipment… It is an obligation that we give ourselves for each municipal decision.”
An investment of 1.3 million euros
Today, more than 500 light points in the city are already LED. But there’s still some left nearly 1500 to convert, of the 2016 in the city. “It’s very substantial», Says Marie-France Serra, first assistant in charge of major projects. For a single lantern, count between €500 and €600. To this, add the changing or repairing of old cabinets and cables. In total, the bill amounts to 1.3 million euros of investments. Financed 15% by the Oise Energy Union. “We will do the work quickly to get the fastest possible return on investment.explains the first assistant. This is scheduled for four and a half or even five years.»
With the old bulbs, the city paid €300,000 for electricity per year. With future LEDs, the bill will be lowered to €120,000. From 113,750 watts, consumption will increase to 46,128 watts. The same goes for maintenance. As LEDs are more solid and durable over time, the maintenance cost will drop from €40,000 to €5 to €10,000.
Brightness reduced to 50% at night
Three types of candelabra will be installed. The first type, the Deiko Ragni lantern, will be positioned on the major axes of the city, outside the city center, for broad and uniform lighting. There will be 524 in total. The second, the LedCup cast iron lantern from Paris, will be installed in residential areas to provide softer and more pleasant lighting. There will be 171. Finally, the third, the Urbane Ragni lantern, will be installed in downtown Chambly, for “highlight the historic center“. There will be 138 of them.
Important detail to be mentioned, the brightness can be adjusted on each candelabra. At night, between midnight and 5 a.m., it will be reduced to 50%. No switching off of lighting is planned. “We want to maintain security in Chamblyjustifies David Lazarus. There is no question of switching off at night. During the urban riots two years ago, the prefect asked the affected municipalities to turn on public lighting again at night. I’m glad we didn’t have this problem in Chambly. With these changes, we will already make significant savings. But in terms of security, we made this choice. Otherwise the residents have too strong a feeling of insecurity.”
End of work in early 2026
The works will begin on January 20 And will end in early 2026. “Two thirds will be done this year, the remaining third next year», specifies Marie-France Serra. During the first quarter of 2025, three hundred points will be achieved. This will affect rue des Lilas, route de Neuilly-en-Thelle, avenue de Verdun, rue de l’Ancien Moulin, rue des Antilles, place Carnot, rue Donatien-Marquis, rue du Petit beffroi , rue Duflos and rue Henri-Barbusse.
During the second quarter, rue de Melleville, rue Lavoisier, rue de la Briquetterie, rue des Marchands, rue Paul-Signac, rue de Syracuse, rue de Sicile, Chantemesse park, place de l’ church and town hall square will be affected. Then this summer Place Charles-de-Gaulle and the departmental road between Chaumont and Chambly. Finally, the southern districts, Martyrs, November 11 and Verdun as well as the Potel and Marnière sectors will be treated in the first quarter of 2026.