“What do you want? That I kill him? Let me bury him alive…” This proposal came from Rachid Bourouba, in the Darty parking lot in the Venette commercial zone, on the afternoon of Sunday December 29. In front of him, there is Séverine Picard and her son Kylian Dubois. “No, we just want him to leave my house,” replies Séverine, who lives Boulogne-la-Grasse. The one who needs to be sent away is Loïc Delhaye. He has been Séverine’s companion since 2009. She and her son can no longer stand his odious behavior. “Okay, we’ll do it tonight,” the son decides.
The night of Sunday December 29 to Monday December 30 will be an ordeal for Loïc, awakened in his room by Rachid Bourrouba, armed with a baseball bat. The two men know each other. “I was his submissive,” says Rachid Bourouba from the box. “She” forced me to prostitute myself.” They got to know each other in transvestite circles. Both identify as transsexuals.
From “submissive”, he went to “executioner”, notes the president of the court, who is trying Rachid for kidnapping, extortion and violent theft. Séverine and Kylian are being prosecuted for complicity, in this immediate appearance at the Compiègne court, Thursday January 2.
Rachid-Câline-Rachida against Loïc-Kelly
For Séverine Picard, 40 years old, and Kylian, 20 years old, calling on Rachid is not a coincidence. They know that he is the only man capable of scaring Loïc. Aged 61, he spent twenty-five years in prison, including fifteen years for attempted murder. He discovered his femininity late in life and calls himself Câline or Rachida. He is angry with Loïc, whom he calls Kelly, because “he put a contract on my head and that of my 17-year-old son”. This nighttime visit to Boulogne-la-Grasse is an opportunity to talk about it.
When Loïc Delhaye, 41, arrived at the hospital at 4 a.m. at the wheel of his Peugeot 5008, he had numerous injuries on his arms, face, ribs… “I was the victim of kidnapping at my home , he said. They immobilized me with cable ties. I tried to defend myself with a knife. Then I signed documents under duress: the transfer of my vehicle and an acknowledgment of debts.” Total incapacity for work is set (ITT) at four days.
The gendarmes arrive in Boulogne-la-Grasse in the early morning. “There was a family argument,” says Séverine. I decided to kick Mr. Delhaye out. We got back together on September 1, 2024. But the atmosphere was not good. And he didn’t want to leave. I called for Mr. Bourouba. That’s the only idea I had. But it didn’t go as smoothly as expected.”
“I had to leave,” the victim said. But we had to go to Parc Astérix, so I stayed”
Two days before the evening, Loïc Delhaye suffered “a fit of jealousy because of the message from a former work colleague who was checking in on the news”. Kylian explains that his stepfather drinks alcohol every day. “He pushed my mother, who attempted suicide, to the limit.” The son also says he is afraid for his sisters. “Even if he never attacked them,” he admits.
“There was a bad atmosphere at home,” admits Loïc. I was going to leave. In the morning, I asked him “What about the two of us? Do you want me to leave?” She told me yes. But we had to go to Parc Astérix the next day with our daughters (the daughters of Séverine and Loïc). She wanted me to stay. For the jealousy attack, I actually threw his phone. But she also enjoys making me lose my temper.”
“You, for your part, have the right to have your own life, you declare yourself transsexual,” notes the president. And she doesn’t have the right to have her life.”
Fight in the bedroom
That evening, Rachid Bourouba arrives home. Séverine and Kylian open the door. He goes to Loïc’s room, lying on his bed. “It was just to talk,” assures Rachid. But this person always has weapons on them: rifle, handgun, knife…” He too, with his bat, but it’s “to defend myself just in case”. “You thought it was going to happen peacefully…”, quips the court. “I do everything not to have a weapon because you never know how it ends,” he says, like a man with foresight. “Indeed, you are there,” notes the judge.
It had to happen without violence. Séverine tells the girls to lock themselves in their room, while Rachid is in Loïc’s room. “He tells me to obey him,” said Loïc. He took my phone. I called Séverine, but Kylian came and said “what are you going to do now?” Rachid gave me a big headache. I took the bat from him. But Rachid and Kylian took the upper hand.” “Calm down, let’s go outside”, they tell him
On this scene, Kylian says he just “prevented Loïc from using the bat”. And “wanted to prevent Rachid from being violent with Loïc”. “I didn’t hit it, I kept it going,” he assures. “Kelly, I know her,” comments Rachid. She is very mean. I didn’t come to do sick things. I didn’t throw any punches.”
The victim grabs a knife in the kitchen
Everyone goes from the bedroom to the living room. But while passing through the kitchen, Loïc successively grabs a butcher’s sheet, then two knives and kitchen scissors. “I tried to hit him in the leg,” continues Loïc. But everyone started to overpower me.” Séverine is injured in the index finger.
At this moment, Loïc imagines that his last hour has come. “I thought there were other people waiting for me outside.”
Kylian squeezes his neck and knocks him unconscious. Carried into the living room, he wakes up with his hands and feet bound by cable ties. Rachid had some in his car: “I knew he was going to try to defend himself again.”
Tied up on the living room couch
After treating his mother, Kylian arrives in the living room. He slaps Loïc on the back of the head, “like he did to me when I was little.”
Then Séverine describes a film scene: “With punches in the head and kicks in the stomach.” Why hit him when he’s tied up? “We gave him a cigarette,” continues Rachid, who asked him for explanations about the contract. “It was to scare you,” Loïc replies. “He added that my son was shooting in Gisors and that it was easy to find him. That’s when I thought he really wanted to kill him!” So he slapped him, punched him…
Rachid wanted to delete the photos concerning him from Loïc’s phone. “She makes people sing with her photos,” says Rachid. “Why not denounce this contract and this obligation to prostitute yourself?” asks the judge. Rachid said he went to the Choisy-au-Bac gendarmerie. “I never had a relationship with her,” he explains. She made me have it with others.”
Rachid recovers Loïc’s four phones. Séverine wants to check that he is having conversations with other people. “Knowing that he blames me for speaking with a colleague and that I was not allowed to change my pin code,” she said.
Rachid makes Loïc sign documents under duress. Including an acknowledgment of debts of €40,000. “I lent him €20,000 in cash,” he assures. He makes him sign a document mentioning that Loïc Delhaye has kidnapped a mutual acquaintance, another to “apologize for all the harm he has done”. Taking care to dip his finger in the ink, so that it leaves his imprint on the paper.
Finally, he makes him sign a transfer document for his Audi TT, for his benefit. “It was the price of prostitution,” said Rachid. He forced me to sleep with men, even though I only sleep with transvestites.” “We had sex dates,” replies Loïc. But I didn’t force him into prostitution. He never lent me €20,000, but he once helped me out with my rent.” The contract on the son’s head? “It doesn’t exist,” assures Loïc. He is convinced of many things.
A friend of Kylian drops by during the evening
At this moment, Kylian walked away from the scene. Séverine is sitting next to Loïc. She says she disconnected. “I was very scared. There was no going back.”
A friend of Kylian’s stopped by during the night, responding to Kylian’s invitation. He saw Loïc sequestered in the living room, did not participate, but did not warn the gendarmes. Loïc specifies about him: “He told me “if I want, I can massacre you”.” In turn, everyone will take care of watching Loïc, while the others will go out to smoke
Rachid goes to Loïc’s campervan, where Kelly’s things are. He takes the opportunity to take back the perfume he gave her. He takes the jewels of little value, but leaves the most precious ones.
Once Loïc signed, they let him go. “I promised I wouldn’t go to the police and I went to the hospital.”
“What guarantees did you have that he wouldn’t kill Loïc?”
“There are things they don’t say,” says Loïc, asked to comment on what he has just heard. They say I’m a cross-dresser. Do they say they sell hash or tobacco from Luxembourg?” Rachid speaks about Loïc-Kelly: “She only made me unhappy. But I apologize. He was the one who drew me back into his stories. I wanted tenderness.”
The three defendants had agreed on a joint version. But Séverine didn’t want to lie.
The prosecutor Guillaume Théobald questions Séverine. “If Mr. Bourouba had put it in the trunk, what would you have done?” “I would have let him do it and I would have called the police straight away,” she thinks.
“And the fact that your daughters witnessed this?” continues the prosecutor. “It’s traumatic. Our whole life is traumatic…” “He scared me,” confirms Kylian. “What guarantees did you have that he would not kill Loïc? None !”
On the stand, Séverine says she is afraid of reprisals. “I wonder if I’m going to sell the house. I don’t have confidence in justice. I denounced Loïc’s actions and he never had a problem.” She accuses him of a forced relationship. “He promised me he was going to change, I believed him,” she said. But he still has his inclinations.” She blames him for his sexual orientation. Going so far as to speak of scatology.
The defendants were “under the influence”, says the defense
Maître Lisa Valette, who defends Loïc Delhaye, recalls that her client is the victim of the case. What defendants tend to forget, she believes.
Maître Chloé Tourre defends Séverine and her son Kyllian. “These are people who are at their wits’ end. Nothing justifies this violence. It was the worst solution. But in the meantime, he left the house. She no longer saw the light at the end of the tunnel. There was a suicide attempt on his part.”
Maître Mouna Taoufik defends Rachid Bourouba: “Why would he have invented this contract story? We cannot ignore the context. My client is under the influence, just like Madame was. He came across him just as he was starting his life as a transsexual. When these two call him to fire Mr. Delhaye, it is the opportunity to put an end to this influence. We deduce that he is the most violent, because of his past. These two went after him and they knew where to press.
Rachid’s wife wonders “how can we go from robber to tranny”
Rachid Bourouba’s wife said to Master Taoufik: “I never understood how one goes from robber to tranny.” Will he make a complete transformation? “Not while my mother is alive and until my son is inserted.” The defendant says more about his different personalities: “Câline is submissive and Rachida is aggressive. But both of them can’t stand Rachid anymore. He has to go…”
Séverine and Kylian receive twenty-four months, including sixteen months suspended for two years. The firm sentence may be fitted with an electronic bracelet. They will have to undergo psychological treatment. And they no longer have the right to contact Loïc (apart from Séverine regarding their children), as well as with Rachid Bourouba.
“I ask for forgiveness from Kelly,” said the latter, who received four years in prison, including two years suspended on probation. Kept in detention, he will have to submit to psychiatric care. He is prohibited from meeting the two co-authors, as well as Loïc. And ban on going to the Oise.
Regarding compensation, the court orders a referral on civil interests on March 13 at 2 p.m.