
It is a paradise for collectors of books, old postcards, engravings, posters, comics, old documents. Sunday, November 24 at the Saint-Nicolas rooms in Compiègne, the 29th Salon du bouquiniste welcomed more than forty exhibitors of “old paper”.
However, it is much more than just waste paper. These are real testimonies of the past written on the pages of the most diverse works. Organized by Collectionnoise, this event marks the arrival of winter, a season conducive to reading.
Joseph Porphyre Pinchon, for example, came out of oblivion thanks to the work of Rémi Duvert, published by the Art History and Heritage association of Clairoix. It is in this commune of Compiégnois that the designer who brought Bécassine to life lived. This book retraces not only Pinchon’s work but also his various creations.
With members of the Compiègne Historical Society
Rémi Duvert signed his book, as did the organizers of the Compiègne Historical Society. Bulletin No. 43, entitled “Historical Mixtures”, which pays tribute to Brigitte Sibertin-Blanc, has just been released. She was a member of this association and director of the Compiègne library.
This same issue tells the true story of the Armistice Wagon and that of the historic clearing thanks to the story of Guillaume Roignant. The latter will give a conference on Saturday November 30 at 3 p.m. in the Le Chatelier room of the Compiègne library.
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