![Photo of Thibaut de Goulet and Vanessa Deswert in front of the Mighty club logo.](https://livingwellnesstribe.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Beauvais-Thibaut-and-Vanessa-open-Mighty-club-to-take-care.jpg)
Soon January 1st and the time of good resolutions. The time many people choose to try to lose weight after the holidays. But it’s sometimes difficult, especially when you’re the only one motivating yourself. HAS BeauvaisThibaut de Goulet and Vanessa Deswert have just opened Mighty club. A place that offers sports sessions, a smoothie bar and where coaches sell Herbalife brand products and offer nutritional rebalancing.
From former obese to triathlete
This brand, promoted by professional athletes, is sometimes criticized by nutritionists in France. Some see this as unfair competition and warn of potential marketing abuses. In Beauvais the managers of Mighty club speak knowingly. Thibaut previously suffered from morbid obesity. He said he weighed almost 200 kg. Difficult to say when we meet him today. “I couldn’t walk 100 meters without stoppinghe says. To go shopping I had to take a shopping cart to lean on. I once broke a chair at a job interview…» Today he participates in triathlons.
He also specifies that the Herbalife program is aimed at people who do not have any particular health problem. “We are not going to replace a doctor. If there is a pathology we say to go see a health professional“, he assures. It was during his own dietary rebalancing that he began to use the American brand’s products and to review all his bad eating habits. The goal: eat better and at the right time.
Hikes as a starting point
Thibaut and Vanessa started by creating a Facebook group which offers hikes in Beauvaisis. Just to motivate yourself as a group to go for a walk.
They then, for a time, opened a premises in Hermes. And so they have just opened Mighty club, 3 rue de Witten in Beauvais. “We offer fitness classes every lunchtime. On Tuesday evening we run together on a 2 km loop; on Thursday evening we go for a night hike…», lists Thibaut. By indicating that we can do sport, or rebalance our diet, or both. Here, activities such as food support are done in groups. Everyone posts their meal photos on a dedicated channel. A way to avoid excesses and encourage each other.
The brand also regularly organizes competitions to reward people who have lost the most weight. In Beauvais, Mighty club offers several activities to make yourself known. Information about their Facebook page Or on this site.