
Wednesday November 27, municipal police officers of Beauvais (Oise) will demonstrate in front of the town hall. “The gathering will be hugely attended», Warns Dominique Lignier-Bessentiel, CGT general secretary of Beauvaisis territorial agents. Via the CGT, a strike notice was filed for November 27, 28 and 29.
In question, a protest against the implementation of a new compensation system for agents, provided for by a decree dating from June 26, 2024. This text allows communities to deliberate on establishing a special compensation for function and commitment for the benefit agents reporting to the employment frameworks of directors, department heads and municipal police officers.
The community’s room for maneuver worries
Thus, agents will be allocated a fixed part and a variable part depending on professional commitment and manner of service. The room for maneuver left to the community worries the union. “However, this new regime was intended to be a lever aimed at strengthening remuneration and the attractiveness of professions in the sector.», deplores the CGT general secretary.
The agents hope that Franck Pia, mayor of Beauvais, will rule in their favor, “as he always did whenever the opportunity was offered to him», Specifies the union. In the meantime, a strike notice has been given for three days.
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