She was not at all passionate about the world of misses. Her thing is more the medieval world. But the opportunity was too good to pass up. At 22, the Beauvaisienne Marilou Soulas was selected to make Miss Picardie’s regional dressMarina Przadka, for the election of Miss France. A nod to Picardy, the outfit could surprise you on election day.
She has been sewing since she was 11
(Very) young self-entrepreneur – for two weeks – Marilou Soulas does not yet make a living from her profession, which is above all her passion. “I have no idea where it came from, she smiled. My grandmother was a seamstress, but she died when I was 6…» Still, when she was 11, Marilou took lessons with Odile Demary, who ran the boutique L’Aiguille ensorcelée in Beauvais (Oise). It was decided, she wanted to be a costume designer.
The young girl then oriented her studies in this direction: STD2A baccalaureate (science and technology of design and applied arts) at the Paul-Langevin high school in Beauvais, a DNMADE (national diploma in crafts and design) in Nogent-sur -Marne (Val-de-Marne) between 2020 and 2023 and finally a CAP milliner-hat maker. Graduating this year, Marilou is trying to take the plunge into the world of work. There, it’s a cold shower. “People tell me I don’t have enough experience, even though I’ve been sewing for ten years“, she laments.
A medieval costume chosen by the jury
A bit by chance, she heard about a call for projects to create regional dresses for the Misses, for the Miss France competition. Picardy by origin and heart, Marilou sends three costume proposals for Picardy. Even if she could apply for other regions. “I sent everything on September 15she remembers. Two weeks later, on October 1st, I found out on Instagram that I was chosen.”
Ironically, the jury chose the costume on which Marilou would never have spent any money. “I proposed a very feminized First World War soldier’s costume, another related to the poppy, and a medieval costume… not very sexy», she smiles. And it was ultimately the latter that was chosen. “My favorite was the poppy, but ultimately I’m very happy because it will advertise what I like to do, medieval costumes!»
150 hours of work
On October 20, Marina Przadka was elected Miss Picardie at the Elispace in Beauvais. The next day, Marilou sets about creating the long-awaited costume. “I chose to have very beautiful materialsshe shows. I bought a lot of fabric in Paris, but also in Beauvais at the Argentinian market!» After at least 150 hours of pure work, including around thirty just for the embroidery, the costume is ready to be sent to Futuroscope in Poitiers for the election of Miss France, which will take place on December 14. “We invited around twenty people to our house to watch the evening.smiled the young woman excitedly. I think I’m going to cry when I see my little costume again, it will be the first time… But if something is missing, I won’t know until the same evening.»
Above all, Marilou hopes that people will understand the why and how of her creation. Last year, the octopus placed on the shoulder of Charlotte Cresson, Miss Picardie 2023, made many viewers smile. However, he was referring to the giant octopus from “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne, who lived in Amiens for a long time. For this year, the Beauvaisienne wanted to make reference to the Emperor Charlemagne. “It may shock you, it doesn’t look “miss” at all.she warns. And no explanation is given on the evening of the competition.»
Two titles to covet for Picardy
If she hopes that Marina will win the Miss France sash, Marilou also hopes to win a title: that of best regional costume. Which would allow him to pocket the tidy sum of €1,500, as well as a certain notoriety. “We are rated on aesthetics, model and technical qualitysummarizes the young woman. I made sure it was perfect!»
On Monday, the costume made by Marilou will head to Poitiers. While waiting for the election, the young costume designer is creating the website of her very young self-business (L’atelier des époques) so that on the big day, curious people can find out more about her work. Because if this project is entirely voluntary, Marilou intends to take advantage of it to show all potential employers that she does indeed have experience.