At the heart of Gare Saint-Sauveur in Lille, Bazaar St-So has established itself since 2020 as an essential place for the creative and solidarity economy. A veritable hive of activity, this 5,000 m² third place is a hybrid space where coworking, exhibitions, crafts, events and solidarity initiatives combine.
Bazaar St-So is much more than a place of work: it is a crossroads of exchange and creativity. You could come across an association helping adults with mental difficulties, speak with a company specializing in short food circuits, admire an exhibition on architecture or even call on the talent of a graphic designer or a ceramic craftsman. This place also welcomes student entrepreneurs, self-employed workers, and city stakeholders who develop joint projects, in workshops, shared offices and event spaces.
More than just a third place, Bazaar St-So has a dual vocation. “We try to help both the development of all professional structures (associations, independents, traditional companies) and to offer the general public a space for leisure and discovery through various events such as creators’ markets, exhibitions , DJ sets, conferences, forums or any other activity – whether created directly with our residents or with external structures looking for the ideal place to implement their projects,” notes the team. This unique model promotes rich interaction between residents and the public, creating a place that is both dynamic and welcoming, where innovation meets conviviality.
Today, 350 residents from 155 structures collaborate in this space. Two-thirds are involved in the creative and solidarity economy. The organization promotes cooperation between residents, thanks to shared premises and equipment. This unique model is made possible by the renovation of the buildings, financed in part by the City.
If the Bazaar now lives on rents from its residents and the privatization of certain spaces, it also seeks to open up more to the general public. Events like the Microtopias festival or the Livres d’en Haut festival have already attracted a large audience. In 2025, the site will offer a monthly film club, adding a new string to its bow.
The Bazaar continues to innovate with initiatives accessible to all. Every first Sunday of the month, under the market hall, a covered flea market is held where bargain hunters and the curious can unearth old treasures, sometimes around specific themes, such as the recent tableware clearance sale. Entrance is free and light meals are available on site. And for nomadic workers or simple visitors, a free coworking space is open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and sometimes on weekends during special events.
Information on www.bazaar.coop/.