
It’s in a 47 second video very anxiety-inducing Nicolas FricoteauxTHE president of departmental council of theAisnepresented his wishes to the Axonais.
This video by Nicolas Fricoteaux begins heavily with only his voice-over while these words appear in large letters on the screen: “In 2025, the Departmental Council has only one wish: To be able to continue to act for you. » Then the president asks: “And tomorrow, will it still be possible for us to intervene in all areas of your daily lives? » On the screen are displayed all the sectors in which the Departmental Council intervenes: Youth, colleges, heritage, digital, family, integration, jobs, housing-housing, environment, elderly, disability, roads, childhood and culture.
The president then releases the condition so that his assembly can always carry out its interventions, and it has always been the same for years: “Without a reform of the financing of the departments, we will no longer be able to support you. »
The end of beans, from Soissons?
Then, Nicolas Fricoteaux, looking serious as if struck by lightning preparing to announce the arrival of the seven plagues of Egypt, appears in the image. His message contrasts with the tone which seems to announce the end of beans, of Soissons of course: “In 2025, we hope to be able to continue to bring to life all the solidarity in Aisne for all the territories and for you, in order to bring you to daily, all the services you and your loved ones need. »
With the face of someone who has just seen his dog die, Nicolas Fricoteaux ends this very sad video with a message of hope: “You can count on us. I wish you all a very happy new year 2025.”
Finally, you didn’t have to be on the verge of depression to listen to this message which bodes poorly for this new year 2025 which is beginning.
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