A violent fire is underway this Wednesday morning, December 4, at Quincampoix-Fleuzyin the extreme northwest of the Oise. THE fire occurred around 8 a.m. in a barn where is stored straw according to firefighters. They estimate that between 200 and 400 tonnes of straw were stored in this agricultural building when the fire started.
At 10:30 a.m., the firefighters who intervened on site communicated that the straw inside the barn was completely on fire. They announce that their intervention will be long lasting.
A risk of propagation
For now, we must also prevent the fire from attacking a fir hedge and a tire storage area located at the rear of the barn. The risk of spread has not yet been ruled out at 10:30 a.m. A spear is positioned for protection. “The cattle have been brought to safety,” specifies Sdis.