“When I started 21 years ago, we were 7 Louvetiers. We went up to 15 last year. This year, 21 Louvetiers were retained on the 35 volunteers, spread over 17 districts.“Reports Michel Le Normand,, President of Lieutenants Louvetiers de l’Oise. At 69, thefarmer Near Clermont and Ermenonville begins his 5th term. The louvetier function initiated under Charlemagne takes its name from the animal initially hunted: the wolf. “” “A good wolf is the one we don’t hear about.“” “

Xavier Bouloisoutgoing wolf, was awarded a Honorariat decree to thank him for his action as a Louvetier and his investment as Association secretary for 10 years. He testifies: “I started on January 1, 2015, at 64 and a half, with the help of a wolf who became a friend and who set foot in the stirrup. Being a retired farmer at that time, I was able to devote myself to it full time. I will be 75 years next month, the age limit. I started in the North West sector and in the last 5 years in the south west sector between the A 16 motorway and the Val d’Oise. I had the opportunity that arose at that time that I provoked by the candidate. I was lucky to be taken. I have a wonderful memory. I have always had very good contacts with the prefecture and the Ddt. “” “
The proliferation of wild boar: a scourge
“” “At first we were very busy with the foxes and other species likely to cause damage. For 5 years, these are the wild boar which proliferate very importantly. People support damage considerable. It becomes a scourge. It takes such proportions that one wonders how to make, even with my colleagues Louvetiers. I sometimes see 100-120 in the night.“” “
“” “On the one hand, the hunters for a large part, never have enough, and on the other, the farmers who have fed up. Because the wild boars come to plow everything to eat worms, and after that, they come to tackle the pieces of corn, small peas … We no longer know how to overcome it. However, God knows that we put a lot of energy there! ”
In question? THE global warming which accelerates from year to year with an increase of 3 to 9 degrees in two years, a global problem according to Michel Le Normand.

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