
There declaration of interests of the regional advisor Anne-Sophie Fontaine has just been made public by the High authority for transparency in public life (HATVP). She declared her income and her elected compensation. Missing compensation paid by the regional council. She declares 4,400 euros of net monthly income while her remuneration amounts to nearly 7,000 euros net monthly.
Anne-Sophie Fontaine submitted her declaration of interests on November 1, 2024. You can discover the amount of her remuneration that she receives as a project manager within the Oise departmental council, the amount of which is student for the year 2023 at 46,703 euros net, or a monthly income of approximately 3,900 euros.
No declaration under the regional council
Also included are her compensation as deputy mayor of Lacroix-Saint-Ouen, the amount of which in 2023 amounts to 5,276 euros net, or a monthly compensation of 440 euros.
But Anne-Sophie Fontaine is also a regional advisor. She actually forgot to declare the compensation received for this purpose. For comparison, regional councilor Jean Cauwel declared for the year 2018, 31,517 euros net. Another example, the vice-president of the regional council Daniel Leca declared for the year 2024, 31,534 euros net. In these two cases, the monthly compensation received is a little above 2,600 euros net.
4,400 euros monthly declared instead of 7,000 euros
So the question arises as to whether the regional councilor lied about her income, by declaring a little less than 4,400 euros net monthly instead of a little less than 7,000 euros net monthly.
In Oise, the former mayor of Beauvais Caroline Cayeux, then Minister of Local Authorities, was singled out for having undervalued her assets at the HATVP. An investigation had been opened.
Contacted by telephone and text message, Anne-Sophie Fontaine did not respond to our requests. Just like the HATVP.
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